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 MyDevotion  (3317 bytes) Screen Saver

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Download Screen Saver

MyDevotion Screen Saver Installer (3 minutes download by 56K modem: 970k)

You can download the free screen saver installer from:

8 Jan 2000 Version 1.01 -- fixes some installation issues.
4 Jan 2000 Version 1.00 -- initial release.

MyDevotion Verse Editor Installer (12 minutes download with 56K modem: 3.8 Mb)

This can only be used by users who have purchased the screensaver. You can download the verse editor installer from:

Additional Inspirational Verses to Download Here

All these additional verses cannot be played without purchasing the screen saver first.

Make the Characters Talk

To make the Characters talk, visit Microsoft at the following address and download the Lernout & HauspieŽ text-to-speech speech engine after installing the screen saver.

Installation Guide for Screen Saver

  1. Run mydev.exe. When you arrive at the WinZip Self-Extractor screen (shown below), click on the Setup button.

  2. You will be shown next on MS Agent License agreement. Click on Yes.

  3. Let the installation complete.

  4. On completion, you will be shown the license.wri file. Read it. If you do not agree to the license agreement, you can remove the software.

Running the Screen Saver

  1. Click on From the Start menu, select Settings and open the Control Panel folder.

  2. Select Display in the Control Panel folder.

  3. Switch to Screen Saver Tab.

  4. Select mydevotion from the Popup in the middle of the dialog box.

  5. Click on the Preview button to see the screen saver.

  6. While the screen saver is running, use the left and right arrow keys to scroll through the last few verses spoken.