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   Prayer Email archive:
        (01/27/2000) Everything in the light of eternity
hello prayer partners.

1. prayer update
bc has posted an update on Gayle. Gayle and her
daughter have gone to be with the Lord. bc thanks
everyone who has been praying. Please lift up Gayle's
family at this time, that they will draw closer to God
and they will be comforted at this time.

2. new prayer requests

i. pray for new job in Washington DC area for amccain
this is a special request made by amccain to pray for
a new job and a change in her life in this area.
Please lift her up in your prayers.

ii. a guest has posted for us to pray for a book that
the guest is writing which will be published free on
the internet. pray that this book will be a success
and will be a blessing to Christians.

3. Prayer Partners
no. of prayer partners has increased: 23
We welcome tweetybug, peacemaker and firedupforchrist.

4. Prayer Note
This is just a short note for those of us who have
prayed for Gayle. Do not be discouraged. You know that
Paul said

[Philippians 1:21]
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Look at everything in the light of eternity.

God bless,
Wednesday, February 16, 2000 4:44:29 AM   waihun
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