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   Prayer Email archive:
        (03/03/2000) Dreams and visions
hello prayer warriors

1. Prayer note: Dreams and visions

Praise God that He does not only speak in such simple
ways (refer to old prayer email archives) but He also
speaks in spectacular ways. One of them is through
dreams and visions.

[Job 33:15-17]
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep
sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth
their instruction,
17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and
hide pride from man.

My pastor says something very interesting, sometimes
before he sleeps, he talks to God and ask God to speak
to him in a dream if it pleases God. He gives God a
choice though (we are God's servants, not the other
way around ... God is not to be our servant at our
beck and call)
. And he said that sometimes God speaks
to him in the dream.

God appeared to Paul in a vision. God appeared to
Cornelius, the first gentile to become a Christian in
the record of Acts [Acts 10:3] in a vision.

God still speaks to us in spectacular ways.

2. New Prayer Request
i. Bee attack on mother and child -- Pauline
This morning's news reports of a bee attack in Sydney
Australia. As the mother struggled to protect the life
of her young daughter, she lost her own. The toddler
is now in critical condition, near death. Please join
wih me in praying for this young girl and her mother,
in this senseless loss.

3. Continue to pray for
i. Amanda Bundy for healing from the tumors in her

ii. 19-year old Travis for healing from the head
injury and the coma

4. Number of prayer partners: 64
We welcome dobromerv, frankyo97 and doc into our
prayer group. 
Friday, March 03, 2000 1:08:13 PM   waihun
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