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   Prayer Requests:
        16yr. old son in local detention center.
Please pray for our son. He was arrested in April for a fight he
was in. His charges are very serious. He has a health condition,
and is not being fed properly. This can cause problems with his
stomach linning. Also our fourteen year old daughter is taking
this very hard not having her older brother around.
I have a neurological condition and am unable to work. My wife
works ten to twelve hours a day, and this is not helping her.
We covet your prayers, and thank all those who are praying for
us and our family!
Monday, June 09, 2003 7:45:53 AM   friedcrabs516
      re:16yr. old son in local detention center.   
Dear Lord please bless this family. You know their needs and you are the only true salvation and I pray that you touch each member of this family in a special way father. Thankyou for their devotion to you and I pray that you bless their children to have a beautiful future. Thankyou so much Father God, Amen. 
Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:28:01 AM elle42
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