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   Prayer Requests:
        sin problem....
Please pray for me...I am struggling with a sin problem of pornography. I try so hard to stay away from it but Satan keeps throwing it back at me. Please pray that God will give me the power to rebuke satan and stay away from his temptations. Thank you. 
Friday, October 19, 2001 3:39:36 PM   guest
      re:sin problem....   
Hello guest,

Besides praying, there are constructive things that you can do.

First of all, the bible has said to flee temptation. That is one of the first things you need to do. Remove every kind of pornographic or suggestive material and make them out of reach. Refuse to entertain thoughts (that's how sin begins).

It's not easy to do especially if you have a lot of free time. Try not to be idle but take up hobbies and be with people. That's what one of my friends told me. He succeeded because he started other healthy habits that occupied his time.

David fell into temptation because he was resting at a time when kings go out to war.

Let me pray for you now,

Father in Heaven,

I pray that You give this guest special strength to overcome. Let him lean on You and let Him know that Your grace is sufficient for him. Give him wisdom and healthy companionship and hobbies.

In Jesus' Name, Amen. 
Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:05:12 AM waihun
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