1. children of Israel--not merely the ten tribes, but "the whole family brought up from Egypt"; all the descendants of Jacob, including Judah and Benjamin. Compare @Jer 8:3, and @Mic 2:3, on "family" for the nation However, as the prophecy following refers to the ten tribes, they must be chiefly, if not solely, meant: they were the majority of the nation; and so Amos concedes what they so often boasted, that they were the elect people of God [CALVIN], but implies that this only heightens their sins.
2. You only have I known--that is, acknowledged as My people, and
treated with peculiar favor (@Ex 19:5 De 4:20). Compare the use of
"know," @Ps 1:6 144:3 Joh 10:14 2Ti 2:19.
therefore I will punish--the greater the privileges, the heavier the
punishment for the abuse of them; for to the other offenses there is
added, in this case, ingratitude. When God's people do not glorify Him,
He glorifies Himself by punishing them.
3-6. Here follow several questions of a parable-like kind, to awaken
conviction in the people.
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?--Can God's prophets be
so unanimous in prophesying against you, if God's Spirit were not joined
with them, or if their prophecies were false? The Israelites were "at
ease," not believing that God was with the prophets in their denunciations
of coming ruin to the nation (@Am 6:1,3; compare
@1Ki 22:18,24,27 Jer 43:2). This accords with @Am 3:7,8. So "I will
be with thy mouth" (@Ex 4:12 Jer 1:8 Mt 10:20). If the prophets and
God were not agreed, the former could not predict the future as they do.
In @Am 2:12 He had said, the Israelites forbade the prophets
prophesying; therefore, in @Am 3:3,8, He asserts the agreement
between the prophets and God who spake by them against Israel
[ROSENMULLER]. Rather, "I once walked with you" (@Le 26:12) as a
Father and Husband (@Isa 54:5 Jer 3:14); but now your way and Mine
are utterly diverse; there can therefore be no fellowship between us
such as there was (@Am 3:2); I will walk with you only to "punish
you"; as a "lion" walks with his "prey" (@Am 3:4), as a bird-catcher
with a bird [TARNOVIUS].
The prophets, and all servants of God, can have
no fellowship with the ungodly
(@Ps 119:63 2Co 6:16,17 Eph 5:11 Jas 4:4).
4. The same idea as in @Mt 24:28. Where a corrupt nation is, there
God's instruments of punishment are sure also to be. The lion roars
loudly only when he has prey in sight.
Will a young lion cry out . . . if he--the "lion," not the "young
have taken nothing?--The young lion just weaned lies silent, until the
old lion brings the prey near; then the scent rouses him. So, the
prophet would not speak against Israel, if God did not reveal to him
Israel's sins as requiring punishment.
5. When a bird trying to fly upwards is made to fall upon the earth
snare, it is a plain proof that the snare is there; so, Israel, now that
thou art falling, infer thence, that it is in the snare of the divine
judgment that thou art entangled [LUDOVICUS
shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing--The bird-catcher does not remove his snare off the ground till he has
caught some prey; so God will not withdraw the Assyrians, &c., the
instruments of punishment, until they have had the success against you
which God gives them. The foe corresponds to the "snare," suddenly
springing from the ground and enclosing the bird on the latter
touching it; the Hebrew is literally, "Shall the snare spring from the earth?" Israel entangled in judgments answers to the bird
6. When the sound of alarm is trumpeted by the watchman in the city,
the people are sure to run to and fro in alarm (Hebrew, literally).
Yet Israel is not alarmed, though God threatens judgments.
shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?--This is
the explanation of the preceding similes: God is the Author of all the
calamities which come upon you, and which are foretold by His prophets.
The evil of sin is from ourselves; the evil of trouble is from God,
whoever be the instruments.
7. his secret--namely, His purpose hidden from all, until it is
revealed to His prophets (compare @Ge 18:17). In a wider sense,
God's will is revealed to all who love God, which it is not to the world
(@Ps 25:14 Joh 15:15 17:25,26).
unto his servants--who being servants cannot but obey their Lord
in setting forth His purpose (namely, that of judgment against Israel)
(@Jer 20:9 Eze 9:11). Therefore the fault which the ungodly find
with them is groundless (@1Ki 18:17). It aggravates Israel's sin,
that God is not about to inflict judgment, without having fully warned
the people, if haply they might repent.
8. As when "the lion roars" (compare @Am 1:2 Am 3:4), none can help but "fear," so when Jehovah communicates His awful message, the prophet cannot but prophesy. Find not fault with me for prophesying; I must obey God. In a wider sense true of all believers (@Ac 4:20 5:29).
9. Publish in . . . palaces--as being places of greatest resort
(compare @Mt 10:27); and also as it is the sin of princes that
he arraigns, he calls on princes (the occupants of the "palaces") to be
the witnesses.
Ashdod--put for all Philistia. Convene the Philistine and the Egyptian
magnates, from whom I have on various occasions rescued Israel. (The
opposite formula to "Tell it not in Gath," namely, lest the heathen
should glory over Israel). Even these idolaters, in looking on your
enormities, will condemn you; how much more will the holy God?
upon the mountains of Samaria--on the hills surrounding and commanding
the view of Samaria, the metropolis of the ten tribes, which was on a
lower hill (@Am 4:1 1Ki 16:24). The mountains are to be the tribunal
on which the Philistines and Egyptians are to sit aloft to have a view
of your crimes, so as to testify to the justice of your punishment
(@Am 3:13).
tumults--caused by the violence of the princes of Israel in
"oppressions" of the poor (@Job 35:9 Ec 4:1).
10. know not to do--Their moral corruption blinds their power of
discernment so that they cannot do right (@Jer 4:22). Not simple
intellectual ignorance; the defect lay in the heart and will.
store up violence and robbery--that is, treasures obtained by "violence
and robbery" (@Pr 10:2).
11. Translate, "An adversary (the abruptness produces a startling
effect)! and that too, from every side of the land." So in the
fulfilment, @2Ki 17:5: "The king of Assyria (Shalmaneser) came up
throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it
three years."
bring down thy strength from thee--that is, bring thee down from thy
strength (the strength on which thou didst boast thyself): all thy
resources (@Pr 10:15).
palaces shall be spoiled--a just retribution in kind (@Am 3:10).
The palaces in which spoils of robbery were stored up, "shall
be spoiled."
12. shepherd--a pastoral image, appropriately used by Amos, a shepherd
piece of . . . ear--brought by the shepherd to the owner of the sheep,
so as not to have to pay for the loss (@Ge 31:39 Ex 22:13). So if
aught of Israel escapes, it shall be a miracle of God's goodness. It
shall be but a scanty remnant. There is a kind of goat in the East the
ears of which are a foot long, and proportionally broad. Perhaps the
reference is to this. Compare on the image @1Sa 17:34,35 2Ti 4:17.
that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed--that is, that live
luxuriously in Samaria (compare @Am 6:1,4). "A bed" means here the
Oriental divan, a raised part of the room covered with cushions.
in Damascus in a couch--Jeroboam II had lately restored Damascus to
Israel (@2Ki 14:25,28). So the Israelites are represented as not
merely in "the corner of a bed," as in Samaria, but "in a (whole)
couch," at Damascus, living in luxurious ease. Of these, now so
luxurious, soon but a remnant shall be left by the foe. The destruction
of Damascus and that of Samaria shall be conjoined; as here their
luxurious lives, and subsequently under Pekah and Rezin their inroads on
Judah, were combined (@Isa 7:1-8 8:4,9 17:3). The parallelism of
"Samaria" to "Damascus," and the Septuagint favor English Version rather than
GESENIUS: "on a damask couch." The Hebrew pointing,
though generally expressing damask, may express the city
"Damascus"; and many manuscripts point it so. Compare for Israel's
overthrow, @2Ki 17:5,6 18:9-12.
13. testify in the house, &c.--that is, against the house of
Jacob. God calls on the same persons as in @Am 3:9, namely, the
heathen Philistines and the Egyptians to witness with their own eyes
Samaria's corruptions above described, so that none may be able to deny
the justice of Samaria's punishment [MAURER].
God of hosts--having all the powers of heaven and earth at His command,
and therefore One calculated to strike terror into the hearts of the
guilty whom He threatens.
14. That--rather, "since," or "for." This verse is not, as
English Version translates, the thing which the witnesses cited are
to "testify" (@Am 3:13), but the reason why God calls on the heathen
to witness Samaria's guilt; namely, in order to justify the punishment
which He declares He will inflict.
I will also visit . . . Beth-el--the golden calves which were the
source of all "the transgressions of Israel"
(@1Ki 12:32 13:2 2Ki 23:15,16), though Israel thought that by them
their transgressions were atoned for and God's favor secured.
horns of the altar--which used to be sprinkled with the blood of
victims. They were horn-like projecting points at the corners of ancient
altars. The singular, "altar," refers to the great altar erected by
Jeroboam to the calves. The "altars," plural, refer to the lesser
ones made in imitation of the great one (@2Ch 34:5, compare with
@1Ki 13:2 Ho 8:11 10:1).
15. winter . . . summer house--(@Jud 3:20 Jer 36:22). Winter houses
of the great were in sheltered positions facing the south to get all
possible sunshine, summer houses in forests and on hills, facing the
east and north.
houses of ivory--having their walls, doors, and ceilings inlaid with
ivory. So Ahab's house (@1Ki 22:39 Ps 45:8).