1. we do you to wit--we make known to you.
the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia--Their
liberality was not of themselves naturally, but of God's grace bestowed
on them, and enabling them to be the instrument of God's "grace" to
others (@2Co 8:6,19). The importance given in this Epistle to the
collection, arose as well from Paul's engagement (@Ga 2:10), as also
chiefly from his hope to conciliate the Judaizing Christians at
Jerusalem to himself and the Gentile believers, by such an act of love
on the part of the latter towards their Jewish brethren.
2. trial of affliction--The Greek expresses, "in affliction (or,
'tribulation') which tested them"; literally, "in a great testing of
abundance of their joy--The greater was the depth of their poverty,
the greater was the abundance of their joy. A delightful contrast in
terms, and triumph, in fact, of spirit over flesh.
their deep poverty--Greek, "their poverty down to the death of
abounded unto the riches of their liberality--another beautiful
contrast in terms: their poverty had the effect, not of producing
stinted gifts, but of "abounding in the riches of liberality"
(not as Margin, "simplicity"; though the idea of singleness
of motive to God's glory and man's good, probably enters into the idea);
(compare @Ro 12:8, and Margin;
@2Co 9:11, Margin;
see on 2Co 9:13;
@Jas 1:5).
3-5. they were willing--rather, supply from @2Co 8:5, the ellipsis
thus, "According to their power . . . yea, and beyond their power,
of themselves--not only not being besought, but themselves beseeching
4. that we would receive--omitted in the oldest manuscripts. Translate therefore, "Beseeching of us . . . the grace and fellowship of (that is, to grant them the favor of sharing in) the ministering unto the saints." The Macedonian contributions must have been from Philippi, because Philippi was the only church that contributed to Paul's support (@Php 4:10,15,16).
5. And this they did, not as we hoped--Translate, "And not as we
hoped (that is, far beyond our hopes), but their own selves gave they
first to the Lord." "First," not indicating priority of time, but first
of all, above all in importance. The giving of themselves takes
precedency of their other gifts, as being the motive which led them to
the latter (@Ro 15:16).
by the will of God--not "according to the will of God," but
"moved by the will of God, who made them willing" (@Php 2:13).
It is therefore called (@2Co 8:1), "the grace of God."
6. Insomuch that--As we saw the Macedonians' alacrity in giving, we
could not but exhort Titus, that as we collected in Macedonia, so he in
Corinth should complete the work of collecting which he had already
begun there, lest ye, the wealthy people of Corinth, should be outdone
in liberality by the poor Macedonians.
as he had begun--Greek, "previously begun," namely, the
collection at Corinth, before the Macedonians began to contribute,
during the visit to Corinth from which he had just returned.
finish in you the same grace--complete among you this act of grace
or beneficence on your part.
also--as well as other things which he had to do among them
7. in faith--(@2Co 1:24).
utterance--(See on 1Co 1:5).
Not as ALFORD, "doctrine" or
knowledge--(@1Co 8:1).
diligence--in everything that is good.
your love to us--literally, "love from you (that is, on your part) in
us" (that is, which has us for its object; which is felt
in the case of us).
8. not by commandment--"not by way of commandment."
but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and &c.--rather, "But
by (mention of) the forwardness of others (as an inducement to you), and
to prove (literally, 'proving') the sincerity of your love." The
Greek is "by means of," not "on account of the forwardness,"
ELLICOTT, and others translate, "By means of the
forwardness of others, proving the sincerity of your love ALSO." The
former is the simpler construction in the Greek.
9. ye know the grace--the act of gratuitous love whereby the Lord
emptied Himself of His previous heavenly glory (@Php 2:6,7) for your
became poor--Yet this is not demanded of you (@2Co 8:14); but
merely that, without impoverishing yourselves, you should relieve others
with your abundance. If the Lord did so much more, and at so much
heavier a cost, for your sakes; much more may you do an act of love to
your brethren at so little a sacrifice of self.
might be rich--in the heavenly glory which constitutes His riches,
and all other things, so far as is really good for us (compare
@1Co 3:21,22).
10. advice--Herein he does not (as some misinterpret the passage)
disclaim inspiration for the advice he gives; but under the Spirit,
states that it is his "opinion" [ALFORD] or "judgment"
others], not a command, that so their offering might be free and
this--my giving you an advice, not a command.
who have begun before--"seeing that ye have begun before"
the Macedonian churches; "a year ago" should be connected with this
not only to do, but also to be forward--There were three steps: (1)
the forwardness, more literally, "the will"; (2) the setting about
it, literally, "doing it"; (3) completion of it
[ALFORD]. In the two
former, not only the act, but the intention, the Corinthians
preceded the Macedonians. BENGEL explains, "Not only to do"
FOR THE PAST YEAR, "but also to be forward" or willing
translates, "already," instead of "before": "Ye began already a year
ago, not only to do, but also to be forward." It appears hence, that
something had been done in the matter a year before; other texts,
however, show the collection was not yet paid (compare
@2Co 8:11 and @2Co 9:5,7). This agrees with one, and only one
supposition, namely, that every man had laid by in store the fund from
which he was afterwards to contribute, the very case which is shown by
@1Co 16:2 to have existed [PALEY,
Horæ Paulinæ].
11. perform--"complete the doing also"
(see on 2Co 8:10).
a readiness to will--Greek, "the readiness of will";
referring to @2Co 8:10, where the Greek for "to be forward," ought
to be translated as here, "to will."
performance--"completion" [ALFORD], The godly should show the same
zeal to finish, as well as to begin well, which the worldly exhibit in
their undertakings (@Jer 44:25).
12. For--Following up the rule "out of that which ye have"
(@2Co 8:11), and no more.
a willing mind--rather, as Greek, "the readiness," namely, to
will, referring to @2Co 8:11.
accepted--Greek "favorably accepted."
according to that a man hath--The oldest manuscripts omit "a man."
Translate, "According to whatsoever it have"; the willing mind, or
"readiness" to will, is personified [ALFORD]. Or better, as
"He is accepted according to whatsoever he have"; so @2Co 9:7,
The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." Compare as to David, @1Ki 8:18.
God accepts the will for the deed. He judges not according to what a
man has the opportunity to do, but according to what he would do if he
had the opportunity (compare @Mr 14:8; and the widow's mite,
@Lu 21:3,4).
13. For--Supply from @2Co 8:8, "I speak." My aim is not that others (namely, the saints at Jerusalem) may be relieved at the cost of your being "distressed" (so the Greek for "burdened"). The golden rule is, "Love thy neighbour as thyself," not more than thyself.
14. by an equality--"by the rule of equality"
[ALFORD]: literally, "Out of equality."
now at this time--Greek, "at the present juncture" or season.
that their abundance also--The Greek being distinct from the
previous "that," translate, "in order that," namely, at another season,
when your relative circumstances may be reversed. The reference is
solely to temporal wants and supplies. Those, as
BENGEL, who quote
@Ro 15:27 for interpreting it of spiritual supplies from the Jews to
the Gentiles, forget that @Ro 15:27 refers to the past benefit
spiritually, which the Jews have conferred on the Gentiles, as a motive
to gratitude on the part of the latter, not to a prospective
benefit to be looked for from the former, which the text refers to.
15. (@Ex 16:18; Septuagint). As God gave an equal portion of manna to all the Israelites, whether they could gather much or little; so Christians should promote by liberality an equality, so that none should need the necessaries of life while others have superfluities. "Our luxuries should yield to our neighbor's comforts; and our comforts to his necessities" [J. HOWARD].
16, 17. Returning to the subject of @2Co 8:6.
for you--Translate, "Which put the same earnest care for you into the
heart of Titus," as was in myself. My care for you led me to "desire"
him (@2Co 8:6,17, "exhortation," the same Greek); but Titus
had of himself the same care, whence he "accepted (gladly) my exhortation"
(@2Co 8:17) to go to you (@2Co 8:6).
17. being more forward--more earnest than to need such exhortation.
he went--Greek, "went forth." We should say, he is going forth; but the ancients put the past tense in letter writing, as the
things will have been past by the time that the correspondent, receives
the letter. "Of his own accord," that is, it is true he has been
exhorted by me to go, but he shows that he has anticipated my desires,
and already, "of his own accord," has desired to go.
18. the brother, whose praise is in the gospel--whose praise is known in connection with the Gospel: Luke may be meant; not that "the Gospel" here refers to his written Gospel; but the language implies some one well known throughout the churches, and at that time with Paul, as Luke then was (@Ac 20:6). Not a Macedonian, as appears from @2Co 9:4. Of all Paul's "companions in travel" (@2Co 8:19 Ac 19:29), Luke was the most prominent, having been his companion in preaching the Gospel at his first entrance into Europe (@Ac 16:10). The fact that the person here referred to was "chosen of the churches" as their trustee to travel with Paul in conveying the contribution to Jerusalem, implies that he had resided among them some time before: this is true of Luke, who after parting from Paul at Philippi (as he marks by the change from "we" to "they," @Ac 16:11) six years before, is now again found in his company in Macedonia. In the interim he had probably become so well known that "his praise was throughout all the churches." Compare @2Co 12:18 Phm 1:24. He who is faithful in the Gospel will be faithful also in matters of inferior importance [BENGEL].
19. not that only--not only praised in all the churches.
chosen--by vote: so the Greek.
of the churches--therefore these companions of Paul are called
"messengers of the churches" (@2Co 8:23).
to travel--to Jerusalem.
with this grace--Greek, "in the case of this grace," or
to the glory of the same Lord--The oldest manuscripts omit "same."
declaration of your ready mind--The oldest manuscripts read, "our,"
not your. This and the previous clause, "to the glory of the same
Lord," do not follow "administered by us," but "chosen of the churches
to travel," &c. The union of the brother with Paul in this affair of
the collection was done to guard against suspicions injurious "to the
glory" of the Lord. It was also done in order to produce a "readiness"
on the part of Paul and the brother to undertake the office which each,
by himself, would have been less ready to undertake, for fear of
suspicions arising (@2Co 8:20) as to their appropriation of any of
the money.
20. Avoiding--taking precautions against this.
in this abundance--in the case of this abundance.
21. The Septuagint (@Pr 3:4 Ro 12:17). The oldest manuscripts
read, "For we provide."
honest things--"things honorable."
22. This second brother, BIRKS
supposes to be Trophimus: for a
Macedonian is not meant (@2Co 9:4) probably the same as was sent
before with Titus (@2Co 12:18); and therefore sent from Ephesus, and
probably an Ephesian: all this is true of Trophimus.
oftentimes . . . in many things--Join and translate as in the
Greek, "many times in many things."
upon the great confidence which I have in you--"through the great
confidence WHICH HE HAS towards you"
BENGEL better supports
English Version, "We have sent . . . through the confidence
WHICH WE FEEL in regard to your liberality."
23. fellow helper concerning you--Greek, "fellow worker towards
our brethren--the two mentioned in @2Co 8:18,22.
messengers--rather, as the Greek, "apostles": in the less strict
sense (@Ac 14:14).
of the churches--sent by the churches, as we are by the Lord
(@Php 2:25). There was in the synagogue an ecclesiastical officer,
called "the angel of the Church," whence the title seems derived (compare
@Re 2:1).
24. The oldest manuscripts read "[continue] manifesting to them in the face of the churches the manifestation of your love, and of our boasting on your behalf."