
Hushai - quick, "the Archite," "the king's friend" (1 Chr. 27:33). When David fled from Jerusalem, on account of the rebellion of Absalom, and had reached the summit of Olivet, he there met Hushai, whom he sent back to Jerusalem for the purpose of counteracting the influence of Ahithophel, who had joined the ranks of Absalom (2 Sam. 15:32,2 Sam. 15:37;2 Sam 16:16-18). It was by his advice that Absalom refrained from immediately pursuing after David. By this delay the cause of Absalom was ruined, for it gave David time to muster his forces.

Husk - In Num. 6:4 (Heb. zag) it means the "skin" of a grape. In 2 Kings 4:42 (Heb. tsiqlon) it means a "sack" for grain, as rendered in the Revised Version. In Luke 15:16, in the parable of the Prodigal Son, it designates the beans of the carob tree, or Ceratonia siliqua. From the supposition, mistaken, however, that it was on the husks of this tree that John the Baptist fed, it is called "St. John's bread" and "locust tree." This tree is in "February covered with innumerable purple-red pendent blossoms, which ripen in April and May into large crops of pods from 6 to 10 inches long, flat, brown, narrow, and bent like a horn (whence the Greek name keratia, meaning 'little horns'), with a sweetish taste when still unripe. Enormous quantities of these are gathered for sale in various towns and for exportation." "They were eaten as food, though only by the poorest of the poor, in the time of our Lord." The bean is called a "gerah," which is used as the name of the smallest Hebrew weight, twenty of these making a shekel.

Hymn - occurs only Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16. The verb to "sing an hymn" occurs Matt. 26:30 and Mark 14:26. The same Greek word is rendered to "sing praises" Acts 16:25 (R.V., "sing hymns") and Heb. 2:12. The "hymn" which our Lord sang with his disciples at the last Supper is generally supposed to have been the latter part of the Hallel, comprehending Ps. 113-118. It was thus a name given to a number of psalms taken together and forming a devotional exercise.

The noun hymn is used only with reference to the services of the Greeks, and was distinguished from the psalm. The Greek tunes required Greek hymns. Our information regarding the hymnology of the early Christians is very limited.

Hypocrite - one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not; a dissembler in religion. Our Lord severely rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy ( Matt. 6:2,Matt. 6:5,Matt. 6:16). "The hypocrite's hope shall perish" ( Job 8:13). The Hebrew word here rendered "hypocrite" rather means the "godless" or "profane," as it is rendered in Jer. 23:11, i.e., polluted with crimes.

Hyssop - (Heb. 'ezob; LXX. hyssopos), first mentioned in Ex. 12:22 in connection with the institution of the Passover. We find it afterwards mentioned in Lev. 14:4, Lev. 14:6, Lev. 14:52; Num. 19:6, Num. 19:18; Heb. 9:19. It is spoken of as a plant "springing out of the wall" (1 Kings 4:33). Many conjectures have been formed as to what this plant really was. Some contend that it was a species of marjoram (origanum), six species of which are found in Palestine. Others with more probability think that it was the caper plant, the Capparis spinosa of Linnaeus. This plant grew in Egypt, in the desert of Sinai, and in Palestine. It was capable of producing a stem three or four feet in length ( Matt. 27:48; Mark 15:36. Comp. John 19:29).

Ibhar - chosen, one of David's sons (1 Chr. 3:6; 2 Sam. 5:15).

Ibleam - people-waster, a city assigned to Manasseh ( Josh. 17:11), from which the Israelites, however, could not expel the Canaanites ( Judg. 1:27). It is also called Bileam (1 Chr. 6:70). It was probably the modern Jelamah, a village 2 1/2 miles north of Jenin.

Ibzan - illustrious, the tenth judge of Israel ( Judg. 12:8-10). He ruled seven years.

Ice - frequently mentioned ( Job 6:16;Job 38:29; Ps. 147:17, etc.). (See CRYSTAL.)

Ichabod - When the tidings of the disastrous defeat of the Israelites in the battle against the Philistines near to Mizpeh were carried to Shiloh, the wife of Phinehas "was near to be delivered. And when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed" (1 Sam. 4:19-22). In her great distress she regarded not "the women that stood by her," but named the child that was born "Ichabod" i.e., no glory, saying, "The glory is departed from Isreal;" and with that word on her lips she expired.

Iconium - the capital of ancient Lycaonia. It was first visited by Paul and Barnabas from Antioch-in-Pisidia during the apostle's first missionary journey ( Acts 13:50,Acts 13:51). Here they were persecuted by the Jews, and being driven from the city, they fled to Lystra. They afterwards returned to Iconium, and encouraged the church which had been founded there ( Acts 14:21,Acts 14:22). It was probably again visited by Paul during his third missionary journey along with Silas ( Acts 18:23). It is the modern Konieh, at the foot of Mount Taurus, about 120 miles inland from the Mediterranean.

Idalah - snares(?), a city near the west border of Zebulun ( Josh. 19:15). It has been identified with the modern Jeida, in the valley of Kishon.

Iddo - (1.) Timely (1 Chr. 6:21). A Gershonite Levite.

(2.) Lovely. The son of Zechariah (1 Chr. 27:21), the ruler of Manasseh in David's time.

(3.) Timely. The father of Ahinadab, who was one of Solomon's purveyors (1 Kings 4:14).

(4.) Lovely. A prophet of Judah who wrote the history of Rehoboam and Abijah (2 Chr. 12:15). He has been identified with Oded (2 Chr. 15:1).

(5.) Lovely. The father of Berachiah, and grandfather of the prophet Zechariah ( Zech. 1:1,Zech. 1:7). He returned from Babylon ( Neh. 12:4).

Idol - (1.) Heb. aven, "nothingness;" "vanity" ( Isa. 66:3;Isa 41:29; Deut. 32:21; 1 Kings 16:13; Ps. 31:6; Jer. 8:19, etc.).

(2.) 'Elil, "a thing of naught" ( Ps. 97:7; Isa. 19:3); a word of contempt, used of the gods of Noph ( Ezek. 30:13).

(3.) 'Emah, "terror," in allusion to the hideous form of idols ( Jer. 50:38).

(4.) Miphletzeth, "a fright;" "horror" (1 Kings 15:13; 2 Chr. 15:16).

(5.) Bosheth, "shame;" "shameful thing" ( Jer. 11:13; Hos. 9:10); as characterizing the obscenity of the worship of Baal.

(6.) Gillulim, also a word of contempt, "dung;" "refuse" ( Ezek. 16:36;Ezek 20:8; Deut. 29:17, marg.).

(7.) Shikkuts, "filth;" "impurity" ( Ezek. 37:23; Nah. 3:6).

(8.) Semel, "likeness;" "a carved image" ( Deut. 4:16).

(9.) Tselem, "a shadow" ( Dan. 3:1; 1 Sam. 6:5), as distinguished from the "likeness," or the exact counterpart.

(10.) Temunah, "similitude" ( Deut. 4:12-19). Here Moses forbids the several forms of Gentile idolatry.

(11.) 'Atsab, "a figure;" from the root "to fashion," "to labour;" denoting that idols are the result of man's labour ( Isa. 48:5; Ps. 139:24, "wicked way;" literally, as some translate, "way of an idol").

(12.) Tsir, "a form;" "shape" ( Isa. 45:16).

(13.) Matztzebah, a "statue" set up ( Jer. 43:13); a memorial stone like that erected by Jacob ( Gen. 28:18;Gen 31:45;Gen 35:14,Gen. 28:20), by Joshua ( Gen 4:9), and by Samuel (1 Sam. 7:12). It is the name given to the statues of Baal (2 Kings 3:2;2 Kings 10:27).

(14.) Hammanim, "sun-images." Hamman is a synonym of Baal, the sun-god of the Phoenicians (2 Chr. 34:4,2 Chr. 34:7;2 Chr 14:3,2 Chr. 34:5; Isa. 17:8).

(15.) Maskith, "device" ( Lev. 26:1; Num. 33:52). In Lev. 26:1, the words "image of stone" (A.V.) denote "a stone or cippus with the image of an idol, as Baal, Astarte, etc." In Ezek. 8:12, "chambers of imagery" (maskith), are "chambers of which the walls are painted with the figures of idols;" comp. ver. 10, 11.

(16.) Pesel, "a graven" or "carved image" ( Isa. 44:10-20). It denotes also a figure cast in metal ( Deut. 7:25;Deut 27:15; Isa. 40:19; Isa 44:10).

(17.) Massekah, "a molten image" ( Deut. 9:12; Judg. 17:3, Judg. 17:4).

(18.) Teraphim, pl., "images," family gods (penates) worshipped by Abram's kindred ( Josh. 24:14). Put by Michal in David's bed ( Judg. 17:5;Judg 18:14,Judg. 17:17,Judg. 17:18,Judg. 17:20; 1 Sam. 19:13).

"Nothing can be more instructive and significant than this multiplicity and variety of words designating the instruments and inventions of idolatry."

Idolatry - image-worship or divine honour paid to any created object. Paul describes the origin of idolatry in Rom. 1:21-25: men forsook God, and sank into ignorance and moral corruption (1:28).

The forms of idolatry are, (1.) Fetishism, or the worship of trees, rivers, hills, stones, etc.

(2.) Nature worship, the worship of the sun, moon, and stars, as the supposed powers of nature.

(3.) Hero worship, the worship of deceased ancestors, or of heroes.

In Scripture, idolatry is regarded as of heathen origin, and as being imported among the Hebrews through contact with heathen nations. The first allusion to idolatry is in the account of Rachel stealing her father's teraphim ( Gen. 31:19), which were the relics of the worship of other gods by Laban's progenitors "on the other side of the river in old time" ( Josh. 24:2). During their long residence in Egypt the Hebrews fell into idolatry, and it was long before they were delivered from it ( Josh. 24:14; Ezek. 20:7). Many a token of God's displeasure fell upon them because of this sin.

The idolatry learned in Egypt was probably rooted out from among the people during the forty years' wanderings; but when the Jews entered Palestine, they came into contact with the monuments and associations of the idolatry of the old Canaanitish races, and showed a constant tendency to depart from the living God and follow the idolatrous practices of those heathen nations. It was their great national sin, which was only effectually rebuked by the Babylonian exile. That exile finally purified the Jews of all idolatrous tendencies.

The first and second commandments are directed against idolatry of every form. Individuals and communities were equally amenable to the rigorous code. The individual offender was devoted to destruction ( Ex. 22:20). His nearest relatives were not only bound to denounce him and deliver him up to punishment ( Deut. 13:20-10), but their hands were to strike the first blow when, on the evidence of two witnesses at least, he was stoned ( Deut. 17:2-7). To attempt to seduce others to false worship was a crime of equal enormity ( Deut 13:6-10). An idolatrous nation shared the same fate. No facts are more strongly declared in the Old Testament than that the extermination of the Canaanites was the punishment of their idolatry ( Ex. 34:15,Ex. 34:16; Deut. 7; 12:29-31; Deut 20:17), and that the calamities of the Israelites were due to the same cause ( Jer. 2:17). "A city guilty of idolatry was looked upon as a cancer in the state; it was considered to be in rebellion, and treated according to the laws of war. Its inhabitants and all their cattle were put to death." Jehovah was the theocratic King of Israel, the civil Head of the commonwealth, and therefore to an Israelite idolatry was a state offence (1 Sam. 15:23), high treason. On taking possession of the land, the Jews were commanded to destroy all traces of every kind of the existing idolatry of the Canaanites ( Ex. 23:24,Ex. 23:32;Ex 34:13; Deut. 7:5, Deut. 7:25; Deut 12:1-3).

In the New Testament the term idolatry is used to designate covetousness ( Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:13; Col. 3:5; Eph. 5:5).

Idumaea - the Greek form of Edom ( Isa. 34:5,Isa. 34:6; Ezek. 35:15; Ezek 36:5, but in R.V. "Edom"). (See EDOM ).

Igal - avengers. (1.) Num. 13:7, one of the spies of the tribe of Issachar. (2.) Son of Nathan of Zobah, and one of David's warriors (2 Sam. 23:36). (3.) 1 Chr. 3:22.

Iim - ruins. (1.) A city in the south of Judah ( Josh. 15:29).

(2.) One of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness ( Num. 33:45).

Ije-abarim - ruins of Abarim, the forty-seventh station of the Israelites in the wilderness, "in the border of Moab" ( Num. 33:44).

Ijon - a ruin, a city of Naphtali, captured by Ben-hadad of Syria at the instance of Asa (1 Kings 15:20), and afterwards by Tiglath-pileser of Assyria (2 Kings 15:29) in the reign of Pekah; now el-Khiam.

Ilai - an Ahohite, one of David's chief warriors (1 Chr. 11:29); called also Zalmon (2 Sam. 23:28).

Illyricum - a country to the north-west of Macedonia, on the eastern shores of the Adriatic, now almost wholly comprehended in Dalmatia, a name formerly given to the southern part of Illyricum (2 Tim. 4:10). It was traversed by Paul in his third missionary journey ( Rom. 15:19). It was the farthest district he had reached in preaching the gospel of Christ. This reference to Illyricum is in harmony with Acts 20:2, inasmuch as the apostle's journey over the parts of Macedonia would bring him to the borders of Illyricum.

Imagery - only in the phrase "chambers of his imagery" ( Ezek. 8:12). (See CHAMBER.)

Imla - replenisher, the father of Micaiah the prophet (2 Chr. 18:7,2 Chr. 18:8).

Immanuel - God with us. In the Old Testament it occurs only in Isa. 7:14 and 8:8. Most Christian interpreters have regarded these words as directly and exclusively a prophecy of our Saviour, an interpretation borne out by the words of the evangelist Matthew and 1:23).