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        Abigail & Esther - a godly wife?
Abigail & Esther

Abigail's story is told in [I Samuel Chapter 25]. Esther's story is in the book of Esther.

Let's take a magnified view of their stories and their choices.

How did Abigail's decisions contrast with the decisions of Esther?

How were their circumstances similar?

Was Abigail wise in God's eyes or in the world's eyes?

What about Esther's wisdom?

The facts:

The Husbands

Abigail's husband Carmel was a foolish, evil man [I Samuel 25:3, 25, 26].

Esther's husband-to-be, king Ahasuerus, was a drunkard who had little respect for his wife Vashti, divorcing her for refusing his request that she display herself in front of his partying friends [Esther 1:10-19].

Based on their accounts, there is a strong probability that neither husband was a believer in God.

The Circumstances

The news came to Abigail that David would destroy her people because of the actions of her husband, along with the request that she take action [I Samuel 25:14-17].

Esther was told that her people would be destroyed because of a decision her husband made, with the request that she take action [Esther 4:7-14].

No man could speak to Abigail's husband [I Samuel 25:17].

Esther's husband hadn't spoken to her in a month [Esther 4:8]. Esther could be put to death for going to her husband without him first initiating the request [Esther 4:11].

Related Biblical Truths

[I Chronicles 15:13] - we sought him not after the due order. (Even though God may show us his will, steps toward fulfillment must be done in the correct order. Some who failed to do that were Abraham with the promised' son, David with moving the ark of the covenant, and Abigail's attempt to save her people).

[Esther 4:14] God will bring deliverance one way or another. (We have a role to play, but God will bring deliverance whether we play our roles correctly or not, according to his will and his timing).

[Genesis 2:20] Adam needed a help mate. (The wife was created to help her husband).

[I Corinthians 11:9] The man was not created for the woman, but the woman was created for the man.

[I Peter 3:1-5] Wives submit to your husbands. (Subjection to our husbands takes trust in God. If our husbands don't obey, they can be won over to the word by our conversations and meek & quiet spirit. You can have a successful marriage even if you don't have a believing husband, as Esther did).

The Wives' Initial Responses:

Abigail acted quickly, without indicating fear, and without asking God or others for help or prayer [I Samuel 25:18]

1. Hesitated to take the requested action, indicating the danger she faced [Esther 4:11].
2. Was given more prodding to do the part God called her to do [Esther 4:13-14].
3. Prepared herself to go before her king/husband by fasting and praying to God and requesting others also pray and fast for her [Esther 4:16].
4. Accepted the risks associated with moving forward [Esther 4:16].

The Wives' Actions:

Abigail acted without her husband's covering or approval.

Esther went to her husband for help, only after sufficient preparation.

Abigail told the enemy (David) bad things about her husband's character.

Esther showed reverence and respect to her husband. She respected and honored his position, went to him for help, and prepared her husband one step at a time before sharing her request. She did all things in due order.

The Results:

Abigail saved her people [I Samuel 25:34].

God saved Esther's people and brought in new believers, using Esther, Esther's husband, Mordecai, and all the Jewish people [Esther 8:17, 9:5].

Abigail's path destroyed her husband [I Samuel 25:37,38].

Esther's path made her husband a better king, a better man, and a better husband. He agreed to her request before hearing it & even offered her up to half of the kingdom [Esther 5:6]. 
Saturday, March 05, 2005 1:10:59 PM   behumble

changed on Saturday, March 05, 2005 8:59:05 PM

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