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   Topical Verses:
        helping loved ones find God again
i have been dating a guy for almost 3 years now. our relationship was perfect in the beginning. we both were in God's will and we were in love. Well, i have noticed lately that he has been acting differently. i asked him about it and he said that he isn't happy anymore. i am positive that he is unhappy because he has lost sight of God and His will. to make a long story short, he feels like we shouldn't be together anymore. as of right now he is trying to figure out what he wants. i feel like i need to give him time for himself to figure out what he wants, yet i also feel like i need to be there for him spiritually and as a friend. i also feel like this is the person God wants me to marry him someday. i am kind of unsure what God wants me to do and i want to help him find God again. Any scriptures for this situation will help. Thanks so much! 
Monday, March 08, 2004 7:12:23 PM   guest

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