I'll be honest here, i used to listen to music all the time like worldy music, because i thought that i was strong enough to not get influenced by it, after i realized that just because my actions don't show it, it doesn't mean i'm not getting influenced by it because subconsciously i was, when i stopped listening to worldy music i felt peace like never before. My heart was always filled with peace, and i've always had a problem with my temper that slowly went away, i've discovered that worldy music builds wrong feelings for you and is absolutely useless. There's no point of listening to it, there are such awesome christian groups and christian songs out there that have a good beat to them along with a good message. If your going to say i only listen to worldy music for the beat don't fool yourself, that might be what your listening to but your subconsious gets affected by the words, and even the beat does effect you so stop the worldy music, it changes you, if you don't see it now you will for sure in the long run. Try it yourself, stop listening to any thing that's not Christian and you will definitely see and feel the difference. |