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   Topical Verses:
        A response to gossip
In [Gen 3: 1-2,4,13-14] Satan was a serpent building up his strength in the Garden of Eden by deceiving Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge. By Eve deceiving GOd and eating the fruit from the tree. she helped start the growth of the serpent into what he is right now a dragon. This is what your friend is doing, feeding the dragon,by continuing the chain of hear say that can hurt people. She is simply giving into the flesh and hurting her relationship with God. This scripture [Revelation 12:9 is a prime example of God casting out deception(gossiping included). I pray right now in the name of Jesus that your friend knows how dangerous this is and what she is doing- feeding the dragon. I will pray for her so that the want to give into the flesh by gossiping will be cast away from her spirit. 
Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:14:41 PM   christinnix

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