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        How many times to ask for forgiveness?
I am new to this thing, and I would like to ask everybody their opinion. My name is Anelise, and I had a debate with my uncle the other night. I believe that when you ask God into your heart, and you sin one single sin, and you don't ask forgiveness for that certain sin right away and God comes back before you do ask for forgiveness for that sin, that by God's ultimate grace your still gonna go to heaven. Anybody agree or disagree? 
Friday, September 08, 2000 2:25:54 PM   lise
      re:How many times to ask for forgiveness?   
The Bible says in Hebres 10:12 "But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins FOR EVER, sat down on the right hand of God;" Therefore I believe that you need to get saved once but you need to tell God you are sorry when you mess up.
Tuesday, February 27, 2001 6:30:07 PM m parham

changed on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 6:30:50 PM

      re:How many times to ask for forgiveness?   
well, it's like this...I believe that if you don't ask God for every single sin, that come time for the Great White Throne of Judgment, you will be accountable for that (those)sin(s). You're rewards in heaven will be given according to your works on earth and your sins as a christian. If you still have unforgiven sins, they will come to surface. God can't forget a sin if it isn't forgiven.This is what I believe to be true and I ask forgiveness everytime I think about it, sometimes 5-6 times an hour. I want to be really sure that if I have committed a sin unknowingly, that God will make me aware of it so that I may ask forgiveness. 
Monday, November 06, 2000 9:11:36 PM amberrose99
      re:How many times to ask for forgiveness?   
Disagree. God's Word says, NO sin shall enter in the kingdom of heaven (may not be stated with those exact words). God's grace is totally sufficient for us and we must repent daily for our sins.....Bible says, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (may not be exact). That's why we have an advocate with our Father (God) to ask forgiveness when we fail him. There are no big sins or little sins in God's eyes...sin is sin...and we must daily ask God's forgiveness and mercy. We will sin daily until we reach heaven where there will be no sin. If you believe that you will go to heaven if you don't ask forgiveness for your sins...that's a doctorine of once saved always saved and I totally disagree. I will look some scripture up for you to verify what I believe. May God bless you and give you the answer to your question that is of God and not man. 
Wednesday, October 04, 2000 11:38:24 AM bina
      re:How many times to ask for forgiveness?   
Agree. What goes on up there, however, is a different story.
A lot relies on your own relationship with God
Actually after death or rapture, what happens after is the Judgment. It is there that the decision is made. What happens there is between you and God. 
Sunday, October 01, 2000 2:28:20 AM gaidin
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