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        Marriage and Baptism
l have lived with my partner for 27 years but we have never married. We have both had disastrous marriages in the past. l am to be baptised soon and am worried that l am sinning by being baptised but not married. 
Wednesday, May 03, 2000 8:31:13 AM   guest
      re:Marriage and Baptism   
[Matthew 5:31]->32 if you are "married" without a cirtificate why would you need a cirtificate to un-marry??

Sorry, but being married means being married by the state as well...

guest, I don't know where your getting your Bibles from?? 
Sunday, December 07, 2003 2:19:17 AM methomas

changed on Sunday, December 07, 2003 2:20:19 AM

      re:Marriage and Baptism   
God says that marriage happens when you cleave to your wife. You do not need a marriage certificate to be married. God marries you the instant your bodies become one. It may be recognized by your state or province as marriage when you have the certificate but I believe God says marriage is not a ceremony in public but a cleaving in private.
Read 1 corinthians 7:1 in different versions. "Marry" is interchanged with "touching a woman's body." Search the scriptures for yourself. Ask God and he will lead you into what is right. You have brought the matter to light and God knows your sincerity in heart. God bless you and your marriage. 
Wednesday, October 08, 2003 1:00:39 AM guest
      re:Marriage and Baptism   
Baptism is a cleansing. Not being married in that case would probably be called a sin. You do not sin by being baptised but not married. You sin by not being married, period.
Sorry if that was a little hard, but the consequences are not something to be taken lightly. Get your partner, spend time daily in an hour of prayer for a season, wait on the Lord for an answer and for the move of the Holy Spirit. By all means, go get your baptism, but it will not solve your problem. The two issues are separate except for the person they both affect. Why not just do both? Baptism is burying of the dead and resurrection of the new you. In other words, you would have no reason to hold on to the past after your baptism. Why don't you both be baptised, bury the dead, and start over a new life? 
Friday, September 29, 2000 8:50:56 PM gaidin
      re:Marriage and Baptism   

i know that this is not easy to say. but we know that it is not the will of God for us to stay together and yet be unmarried. Marriage is an institution set by God, so that two people will cleave together and henceforth will become one person. Do both of you want to become one person out of God's institution, which is recognised by God?

we need to conquer so many things in our lives and God has always been gracious and patient with us. He does not condemn us but He always point us to His righteousness, which is not through our works. But does that mean that we deliberately live in sin? No, my dear ... if both of you are Christians, and if you want to commit to each other, why not talk to God about it and get married?

[Genesis 2:24-25]
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

With the right values, and with God's grace, both of you should be able to make marriage work. Come out of darkness and come into the light. Let not the devil accuse you any more or your heart condemn you.

[1 John 3:20]
For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.

hope this helps. Christ has conquered all so that we may be conquerors in Him. It is possible for us to honour God and honour ourselves. God has instituted marriage to bring you the honour and respect of staying together. 
Wednesday, May 03, 2000 11:46:24 AM waihun

changed on Wednesday, May 03, 2000 11:52:23 AM

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