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Hey guys, im having a little trouble with this one. Theres this guy. We have become really close through this past year. He has made a complete turn-around in his christian life. He was into drinking and all the party stuff but now he's not doing any of that stuff and he's like a whole new guy. It's really awesome. But anyways, this guy has become one of my closest friends. He's somebody that i can talk to and trust with anything. We both have gone through some hard stuff recently but we helped each other through it. And over the past month i've realized just how much he actually means to me, and i'm beginning to like him more than just a friend. My question is, should we keep our relationship just as friends, or should we be more than friends? I could use all the help i can get on this, its really bothering me. Thanks for your help.
Sunday, October 20, 2002 8:05:44 PM   frog
hey guys, its me again, in regards to some of your posts on my question, i am 16 and a sophmore and my friend is 18 and a senior at the same school. And as for our relationship, we don't "depend" on each other about our problems, ya no,we are just there for each other when we just need somebody to talk to. And i don't really feel that we place burdens on each other because we are both willing to help one another out. Both of us have gone through things in our lives that we just wouldn't have been able to make it though without the help of God and our friends, so its like we understand each others' problems. Thank you guys for all your help so far! ~*Frog*~ 
Thursday, October 31, 2002 8:35:25 PM frog
Well, well, well!

I feel I can tell some things about this. I'm a man from Finland, living in Sweden & I'm in a very good relationship to a woman who is 9 years older than me. God has shown signs that she's ment for me, for example that I've together with her two times seen "a star falling down", the second time was when we got engaged.

How old are you & this guy?

I'm sorry, but you just seem to have an emotional affection to him. I recommend you being carefull. For many people its so easy to get an emotional affection from mutual help.

You're description sound just like you & this guy lean to each other. That's _not_ a good start. Its not good to be dependant on each other or throw burdens on each other.

But purhaps you're not so dependant on each other. 
Thursday, October 31, 2002 4:04:06 AM guest
Hi there! Sounds like things seem to be going rather well. Is there a reason that you might be having trouble with this? As long as you are both single and not attached, and are Both christians, I would say How does he feel? I think you should just flow with it and if it is right It will all come together for you guys. Good luck and God Bless you and show you the way to go with this. 
Sunday, October 20, 2002 8:25:02 PM groadsmom
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