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What is an evangelist and what does the title entail? 
Saturday, October 12, 2002 1:49:03 AM   wynter_p
I would consider an evangelist to be someone that goes out to preach the gosple of Jesus Christ and win souls. I wouldn't consider them a missionary, but more like a temporary missonary. Someone that goes to a place to win souls for a short time and then moves on to the next place. Ther is only one problem I have with evangelists. Sometimes they shame people into "getting saved" just to get the numbers up. And this may be what it takes for some people to come to Christ, but most of the time I would say that they don't have a true repentance. Atleast one that would last by itself. Evangelists need a good church or group of people there to stay with the people that make decisions, to make sure they know what they did, and to help them with the next steps. I would say it's like giving your grandmother a 2Ghz pentium 4 computer for christmas, telling her how great it is, and how much it's going to help her. Then you move to hong kong the next day. She isn't going to know what to do with it if you don't help her, so she will most likely go back to doing things the old way. 
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:20:34 PM chutas

changed on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:33:08 PM

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