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   General Questions:
does anybody have any biblical references about movies and going to the theaters or anything that can be inferred into talking about movies as to whether or not we should attend them. anything will be appreciated! thanx! 
Thursday, May 23, 2002 6:11:07 PM   m parham
There are no Biblical references of course that deal with movies specifically. However as the previous post states, we want to only put into ourm minds that which is pure. I have found to be an incredibly helpful tool in choosing the movies I watch. It details the potential snag points for a Christian watching the movie. 
Tuesday, July 29, 2003 5:52:57 AM mummau55

changed on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 5:54:58 AM

i am sorry that i can not offer you any bible versus but in my own mind i have always said that if i go to a movie in a theatre i want a true pure movie that is good not something full of sex and vilince. i hope that is helpful.god bless u!! 
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 4:10:54 PM guest
i am sorry that i can not offer you any bible versus but in my own mind i have always said that if i go to a movie in a theatre i want a true pure movie that is good not something full of sex and vilince. i hope that is helpful.god bless u!! 
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 4:10:32 PM guest
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