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   General Questions:
I have read in the Bible that God tells us that he will not forgive us of our trespasses if we do not forgive others of their trespasses. My question: Does this hold true if we do not forgive ourselves, i.e. if I, myself, am filled with guilt ask God to forgive me, but at that particular time, I have not forgiven myself, will God forgive me or not? 
Thursday, February 07, 2002 6:29:12 AM   steelers
I always thought that the reason we could not forgive was we were not Christians... If you are having trouble forgiving your self... pray a prayer like "Jesus forgive my doubt in OUR ability to forgive..." try it, it worked for me... 
Saturday, August 30, 2003 11:09:50 PM methomas
Good question, Personally I believe that the reason we do not forgive ourselve is because the devil gets in there and lies to us and makes us beleive we are just so bad that God could never forgive us. The Word teaches us that the only sin we can never be forgiven of is the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost [Matthew 12:31]. But even in this, God is still able [Romans 14:4], [Matthew 19:26], [Mark 10:27] and [First Timothy 1:13].
By keeeping our focus on Jesus who is the founder and perfecter of our faith [Hebrews 12:2] (ESV), and learning what He has done for us, we will gain that ground, and truly be able to forgive ourselves. 
Tuesday, July 22, 2003 8:17:10 AM claytonwilson
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