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   Prayer Requests:
        Proper Christ-like Behavior
I am a new Christian and have realized a lot of my 'normal' behavioral characteristics are not postive for Christians. I am learning how to behave as a TRUE CHILD OF GOD and I would like prayer to guide me. I am reading the Bible daily and constantly praying to get understanding as a result. Please pray that I continue to grow as a Christian, not fall victim to known bad behavior, and be enlightened to others that I need to improve. Thank You very much!! 
Tuesday, September 26, 2000 1:57:42 PM   logan
      re:Proper Christ-like Behavior   
Lord, I pray you will lead him and guide him as your word says. Give him wisdom and knowledge and help him and us to be more like Jesus! Amen

Tuesday, September 26, 2000 11:36:43 PM eagleent
      re:Proper Christ-like Behavior   
Praise the Lord for my new brother in Christ!!! The angels do rejoice!!

Let us Pray, Father God of Heaven and Earth we bow our heads humbly in prayer thanking you for your mercy, love, holy spirit and guidance. We ask Father that your will be done in our new brothers life, that he will allow your holy spirit to guide him down the paths you want him to take, help in Lord to grow stronger in you and bless him with the wisdom and understanding of your word as he reads that he will grow closer to the foot of the cross! We ask this in Jesus name and through His blood. AMEN AND AMEN 
Tuesday, September 26, 2000 5:08:27 PM bina
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