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   Prayer Requests:
        Marriage Help
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 9:29:29 AM   amznggrace
      re:Marriage Help   
Hi deadinside,
I am sorry to hear of what you have to go through. "Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning." [Ps 30:5]

Sometimes it seems like no one cares, and sorrows never seem to end. Yet, let us put our faith in God who is the foundation of our lives. With Him, we will not be shaken. He will comfort us in times of trouble. The hard times will pass. He makes all things beautiful in His time.

I pray that you will lean on God who cares for you much more than you ever know. I pray that you will experience the father-heart of God, even though you may have not fully experienced your father's love. Yet God's love is far higher than anyone's. I pray that you will feel His embrace and that you will find strength in His embrace. For even man may desert us, but God is ever faithful.

Lord comfort both deadinside and amazing, and grant them strength. In Jesus' name, amen. 
Friday, April 21, 2006 8:14:28 PM cherisheep
      dead inside and no where to go   
in december the family and i lost my mother in law and although i know my husband loves us all he has become distant.
i myself have lost my father at a young age.i personally do not know how to comfort him.i wonder if we can make it through another bit of trouble like this.i found myself learning about his rifles,how to load where ,the safety is and how to fire it.i dont know what else to do 
Monday, April 10, 2006 1:13:11 AM deadinside
      re:Marriage Help   
I agree with beloved, that to leave may be putting more burdens on yourself. I went through a time where I thought my husband was so selfish, mean-hearted, uncaring man there was. I convinced myself of this and other people. We fought over the dumbest things, more than once a day.(this was before I was saved). I almost left him justifying that he was so horrible, that God wouldn't want people to fight all of the time. I even prayed to have my husband cheat on me so that I would feel blameless. Well God opened my eyes and I realized that my husband is wonderful, it was me who was selfish, mean-hearted and uncaring. By me being selfish, I was causing the fights. I wasn't being humble and supporting. I did not submit. [Colossians 3:18]. Once I started doing this, even though hard at first, it started working. My husbands goodness shined. Of course it has been almost 3 years and I am still trying to undo some of the damage done, of course with God's help:) this time! I say all of this so that you might be able to help your own situation by showing your husband God's love.
Dear Lord,
I pray that You give amazngrace peace throughout this turbulent time. Give her strength to endure this hardship. Help her rest in your Love. Even thought we know if we put You first and your righteousness, all things will be given to us it is hard to live by. We tend to worry about what we will eat or what we will wear. Help this family put You first and help them stay together during this tough time. Thank you Jesus for listening to our pleas. In Jesus' name, Amen. 
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:52:05 AM cjf
      re:Marriage Help   
hi amazing, its me beloved,(real name is sarah), and i believe you stuck up for me earlier today, then i looked you up, and when you jpoiined, and it appears that also is today. man you are gung ho! i will pray for you, and your husband.... i wouldnt leave him, over him being greedy, unless he is mean or cruel, or anything o you, or cheating, or if it goes on and on and on..... you know? people go through hard personal toimes that they can not wish away, just beacause we do not like those times, but then i doi not know anything about you...... i will pray ne way.... if you ever want to talk, i am at ok! i hope things get better, all in all though, ithink maybe you leaving your husband is just adding one more problem to your already long list..... 
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 4:25:27 PM beloved999
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