Gary & I leave for WV Friday, 7/1. We'll be back Sunday night.
I see God's hand working wonderfully in our lives right now. I know that it is important that I walk differently as we take this journey, than I ever have before. Whenever I have seen God working in Gary as powerfully as he is now, I have tried to speed things up. I am in a different place with God & I have been doing well at waiting on God. But I truly believe that our lives will be changed before this vacation is over. I must be sure to stay out of God's way & trust him. I must only walk where he asks me to go & no further. I feel strong in my role right now because I'm in a good place with God. I know that if God steps back & allows Satan to sift me like wheat, I will easily fail. I believe that Jesus is praying for me. I also believe that I am to ask others to pray for me. I believe that God will give me victory, I just don't know how hard it will be to get there.
Thank you for your prayers, in Jesus Name.