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   Prayer Requests:
        Stolen Sleep
I have been dealing with insomnia for 5 years. It is so frustrating. Night after night I struggle with my sleep. I feel plagued with new fears and it is not me. I am a person who is a warrior, a fighter of satan and his demons. Lately I feel like I am in a prison in my own body. I am all of a sudden afraid to leave my home. I pray everyday and keep relying on the Lord. I am alone at the moment with my 20 month old son.My husband is away on an assignment with the Army. We have just moved to Belgium and it is soooooooo different. I usually am the type of person that goes forward to meet people and settle in the community, I don't know why I am gripped with fear. At night My mind won't shut down and I think of horrible things I try not to and even have sang songs to God until they stop. My heart races and it feels like i just ran around the block. I have spoke with the doctors but they all want to medicate me and I can't because I have a baby, I am all alone, and no one to help me with him. I don't know what to do, I pray and pray and pray some more and I am not sure what else to do. Please pray and if anyone has any suggestions ai would appreciate it. Thank you all for your prayers and know that as I read the prayer requests I pray for all of you also.Love, your Sister in Christ. 
Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:13:49 PM   guest
      re:Stolen Sleep   
Hi there! Being in a strange country with a small baby can be a very stressful experience...I know it! Make a list of things that make you fearful. Share it with a good Biblical Counselor - even if you had to make long distant calls. Get involved with the local Christian ladies' group and join in some type of hobby group and maintain physical activity. I will be praying for you that He will bring one or more local ladies in your life who can minister to your needs. Also that He will bring families who will befriend yours. Spend as much time you can in God's word. I want to share Joshua 1:9 with you. 
Friday, April 09, 2004 3:46:13 AM guiding light

changed on Friday, April 09, 2004 3:48:55 AM

      re:Stolen Sleep   
I have not gone without sleep for years but for awhile and although I don't know your complete frustration I do know it a bit. And,I will be praying for you. And, I am here to be your friend as well, don't hesitate to talk...I hope you feel better and may God bless you and your family. 
Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:50:37 PM missababee
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