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   Prayer Requests:
        Confusion on salvation
I have two friends who believe that you must be baptized to be saved. They believe that if you believe and accept Jesus, but are not baptized, you will still go to hell. I do not agree with this, but one of my friends has shown me some pretty convincing verses and has a good argument. If you would pray for me, that would be great. Please pray for all of us to find the truth, for me and my sister to have words to say to these people, verses to back the words up, understanding for all, and wisdom. Thanks 
Monday, March 01, 2004 9:37:55 PM   guest

changed on Monday, March 01, 2004 9:50:14 PM

      re:Confusion on salvation   
i agree with the first person who replied to this,, (lostnomo)
i raised in the russian orthdox, and was baptized then when i was a baby, but i didnt know or understand any of it, why i was baptized,, i accepted Jesus into my heart when i was 14 yrs old, and was baptized again then, i went from orthodox to assembly of God.i know it dont matter what church you go to, as long as you believe in Jesus.but anyways,,, thats when i learned about jesus, and accepted him as my personal savior, and then was baptized. i believe that kids should be baptized when they are at a certain age when they understand what it means to be baptized.

GOd bless!!! 
Tuesday, March 09, 2004 10:38:37 PM aleut_04
      re:Confusion on salvation   
The Bible says that we don't get into heaven by our own accord. It is about what Jesus has done for us all already. When you get baptized it is identifying with our Christ. Salvation is a free gift of God. Ephesians 2:8-9 says ...For it is by GRACE you have been saved, through FAITH and this not of yourselves, it is The GIFT of God, NOT by works, so that no one can boast. Believing that baptism is necessary for salvation is believing in works. Jesus already paid our penalty, WE all need to just BELIEVE. When you truly believe you will want to get baptized and live Christ activly in your life because you love Him.
Dear Heavenly Father I pray this in the name of Jesus,
Please give my sisters the hunger for your Word so that when the enemy comes upon them they will fight back with your everlasting truth (In love). I pray for the people who are going through life misunderstanding your truth. Give them insite and guidance for it sounds as though they love you just a little misled. Your children are mislead please put them on your holy path of righteousness. I pray for a world wide Awakening so that many come to You. Thank Oh Lord for your Love and forgiveness and new mercies daily. Amen 
Tuesday, March 09, 2004 4:32:47 PM lostnomo
      re:Confusion on salvation   
I pray that the Lord will supplant you with wisdom and grace to respond to your friends in the biblical teaching on baptism. Here is a link that can help you in your quest: 
Tuesday, March 09, 2004 9:23:47 AM jbernardo
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