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   Prayer Requests:
        my grandfather
my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer - i dont know too much about it but he has it all over and we've been very lucky he was suposed to pass away 2 years ago. But we've all witenessed a miracle and i want him to stay with us as long as possible. thank you 
Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:34:49 PM   livin4thelord
      re:my grandfather   
Loving Father,

Watch over this family in their time of need and grant them Your perfect peace, promised to us in Isaiah 26:3, because we trust in Thee. We pray that suffering will be limited, that your love and Spirit will so fill this family that their days will be full of joy in the face of illness and pain. And help all of us to accept Your Holy Will and know that we are loved, no matter what. Bless this child who trusts You and seeks Your face.

In Jesus' Holy Name,

Wednesday, September 03, 2003 10:51:52 AM twofoldblessing
      re:my grandfather   
Thank you Lord that this grandfather of livin4thelord is not only staying here on earth as a great witness for you, but that livin4thelord has also had time to soak up all the wisdom of his grandfather had to teach him in these past two years...

I know when my father was given 6 months to live with cancer, they never told him when the 6 months would start... It's been over 40 years now...

I know not everyone gets healing like my father, but you bless in every situation that people bring honor to your name... please honor [Philippians 4] where it talks about taking every thought captive for the honor of God and holy thinking. May the negitive thinking of the doctors not rub off on living4thelord

May the Lord Keep you and bless you Amen. 
Saturday, August 16, 2003 12:45:57 AM methomas
      re:my grandfather   
Father, we thank you for your healng powers and virtue in the name of jesus!! We thank you for your love and kindness. Lord we thank you for all you will do for this family in jesus name amen!!! 
Sunday, July 20, 2003 7:25:06 PM guest
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