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   Prayer Requests:
        We're Moving!
We are moving to a little town in South Texas called Rockport and I am scared to death. My mom says that we will get closer or farther apart. Both of my parents aren't Christians and I am really spiritual. I love them and I have tried to ask them if they would even think about accepting Jesus, but they have no reply. What should I do to make this move easier and how am I going to help my parents? Thanks a bunch for caring about me! 
Thursday, June 29, 2000 3:05:56 PM   d_korie
      re:We're Moving!   
I and my husband both deal with the grief and burden of having unsaved parents. I'm continually inviting them to come to church functions, plays, and services, but both of them have openly admitted that God was the furthest thing from their heart. My heart brakes for them. But then, there is that expression about how you can thow out the lifesaver, but it's up to the individual to take hold of it.
Sometimesyou may be the one to plant the seed into their lives, but someone else will be the one to lead them to the Lord. Do not fear, because the Lord works all things out for His good. He has a perfect plan. He is in controll. The best thing for you to do, is move in God's will. If it's His will for you to move, then be obedient to that, because, out of your obedeince, He will bless you. Who knows, maybe your moving away is the best thing for your parents. I mean no disrespect or offense by saying this, but everything has a season, and maybe your season in your present home has come to an end. The main thing is to keep on praying. Seek God first in all that you do... even when it's not easy or convenient.
I will continue to pray for the peace of God to be upon you. God Bless! 
Friday, June 30, 2000 3:24:06 PM jessica
      re:We're Moving!   
Do not be discouraged, do not be dismayed, the Lord will lift you up! For the Lord did not appoint you to suffer. He sees that you are going through a tough situation. My parents are not Christians, In fact I am the only one in my whole family that is a Christian. God will guide you with the Holy Spirit. Let him guide you with it to help your family. For God will work through you to get to them. So, do not be discouraged. In time they will see. Dont give up! I will be praying for you and your family.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, let him shine his face upon you and be gracious to you. [Numbers 6:24-26]

Friday, June 30, 2000 2:06:06 AM jennifer
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