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   Prayer Requests:
        Please Pray for us
I just found out that I am pregnant. M yboyfriend and I just recently broke up before I found out that I was pregnant. We used to be really really close and were planning to get married. We both are christians but I have noticed that he has been acting really different and that is why we broke up. We used to pray together and go to church together but now he is like a total stranger. He doesn't pray anymore we don't go to church anymore, he doesn't have time he says. I am so hurt by this. I cry almost everyday because now I am pregnant by him and I want us to work everything out so that we can be a family but he acts as if he resents me even before I knew I was pregnant and it hurts really bad. I am asking for everyone on this forum to pray for us. I want him to be the loving caring god fearing man that I fell in love with 
Monday, September 16, 2002 2:11:38 PM   mahoganyk
      re:Please Pray for us   
god our fatehr who is in heaven please have mercy on this woman god we all need your mercy and please god i beg you to bless her unborn child and reveal your self to it god we thank you for your lovr and ynderstanding pleaase help this woman and give her understanding peace and strenght your will be done and not ours in jesus name i pray amen
god bless you love always your brother in christ 
Monday, September 15, 2003 7:30:35 PM lee
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