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   Prayer Requests:
Please bring the man that I love back to me. Help him put aside his pride and realize that he was wrong in how he behaved. It's been almost a year and during this time my love for him hasn't changed. Please remove the fear and doubt from his heart and give him the strength and courage to come back to me. Fear and lies are keeping us apart. I pray that he sees that there is nothing for him to fear and that even though a lot has gone wrong in our relationship, I still love him. Lead him to break things off with her. Let him see the truth about her. She is lying to him and using him; the same way she is lying to her husband. She is an adultress and a drug user. She is leading him into things he should not be involved in. Please lead him back to you. Bring him to his knees before you. Show him the truth no matter what he has to see or experience or hear to lead him down the right path. Please protect him from harm. Show him who truly loves him and that you truly love him. Soften his heart so that he will speak to me and listen. 
Friday, June 14, 2002 2:42:52 PM   guest
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