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   Prayer Requests:
        friend's addiction
Please pray for my friend. I am so afraid he will kill himself with his addictions. 
Sunday, May 12, 2002 2:53:23 PM   guest
      re:friend's addiction   
Bad enough to have one addiction. By your use of the plural form, I take there are at least 2, but probably more....addictions breed other addictions. Isn't it wierd how NONE of these addictions are good, and ALL lead to destructive behavior? I suspect the devil has been given full reign in this person's life. But as far away from God as this person may seem, I have found that such people make THE BEST witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Once their eyes are opened to the fact that 1. they don't have to be enslaved by addictions and 2. God has a real plan for them, and 3. their salvation can be secured; no matter what behavior has been a part of their lives, they will be forever greatful for having the shackles removed, and life guaranteed. Let's pray.

Father, You are so worthy to be praised because of the design that you have put in our human hearts. Your design is so perfect, yet it is our foolishness that perverts your design. We acknowledge that, try as we have, we cannot fill our need for You with anything else. So many addictions we have let into our lives, and with them, the evil that accompanies. But today, we recognize our wickedness for not filling ourselves with the good, spiritual things that are pleasing to you. The things that you designed for us to have. Father, we confess that the name of Jesus is powerful enough to bind all addictions. He has won all of our victories for us by His Holy name [1 Cor 15:57]. As Lord of Lords, only He is worthy to rule over our lives, as the perfect, and most compassionate King, who paid the highest ransom for all of us sinners [1 Cor 7:23]. Father, we confess our weaknesses in not being able to proclaim the Gospel to this brother as effectively as we want to [3 Ro 3:23]. We ask for courage and wisdom to do so, but mostly, we ask that the Holy Spirit move within this man's heart. To soften it, to inquire about the whisper of your tender and merciful voice, always standing at the door, knocking, waiting for us to let You in [Rev 3:20]. Father, we love this brother, yet we know your love is far greater than our collective love will ever be. We ask for mercy and intercession on behalf of him. We ask for your power and grace to move upon him and in him. We ask that you put the right servant in this brother's life, to minister unto him, and bring him into Your Holy Kingdom. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray, who will rule over heavan and earth, forever and ever. Amen. 
Sunday, May 12, 2002 6:08:24 PM mike d
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