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   Prayer Requests:
        salvation for d
Please, God, let him see that someone who cheats on her husband will not be faithful to him either. That she is not a loyal friend. Let him see through all of his women's lies and deceit. Let him see that he is just being used. Let them reveal themselves to be the liars and backstabbers they are. Do whatever it takes to make him see the truth about them. Turn him away from them and whatever chains they are holding him with. Lead him away from their way of life--the drugs, the alcohol, the adultery, the lies. Lead him to those who will be a good influence. Lead him to a church, to read the Bible, to seek You out. Let him hear Your call. Give him a new heart and take away this heart of stone. Give him a conscience and teach him to use it. Give him the spirit of truth. Teach him love, forgiveness, truth, sobreity, true peace. Show him that sex is not love. That those who always agree with you no matter what you do are deceivers and enablers. Help him, give him strength to give up the drugs and alcohol. Open his eyes, his ears, his heart to You. Let him see and hear you whereever he turns. Give him no true rest and peace until he turns to You. Bring him to his knees and humble him to You. Let him see all the hypocrisy and lies in his life and seek a better way. Give him no room to deny the wrong he has done and is doing. Make him to feel guilty enough to turn from it. Please let him regret the lies he has told and the way he has treated me. During this season of the greatest of miracles bring a miracle to him. 
Sunday, March 24, 2002 1:37:17 PM   guest
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