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   Prayer Requests:
        Pray for "Little Precious"
Prayer Warriors:

Yesterday evening after I picked my 4yr old up from school. I heard a very disturbing news story about a little three year old black girl that was found along the roadside nude and with her head cut off this past April.

What could a 3yr have done for someone to be that gutless to cut her head off. With tears in my eyes I looked back at my own daughter and thanked God that she was safe and that her angels of protection were all around her.

That night I just couldn't get that story out of my head. When I woke this morning I still had that little girl and her family on my mind. In my morning prayer I included all lost children and their families in my prayers. The authorities have named the found girl, "Little Precious".

I'm asking that all the Prayer warriors pray that they find the killer or killers that killed this little girl, and also help authorities identify this little girl so that the family can put this girl to rest and close this chapter in their lives.

Let us bombard the heavens in prayer for "Little Precious" and all other lost children. Call her name out loud to the Lord when you pray, and if there's other lost children that you know about call their names out too.We're on the winning team. Satan's not going to have our children. Black, white, yellow, green or whatever nationality they are. Lets not let
this be just a one day thing. Lets pray of them everyday! I think if it was my little girl or your child missing you'd want someone/everyone to pray for you.

God Bless you all!

Wednesday, June 13, 2001 9:08:00 AM   cheritomp
      re:Pray for "Little Precious"   
Dear Lord,
I pray that you would guide authorities to find the killer of this little precious child. May they be found and brought to justice so that they hurt no one ever again. Lord, I pray for protection for all little children-they are so innocent and trusting. It says in your word that it is a terrible thing to harm a little child. I pray again for protection for this child and all children against Satan and his followers. In Jesus name, Amen 
Wednesday, June 13, 2001 10:35:36 PM lisa101
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