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   Prayer Requests:
        Sick Friend
I have a dear friend who just found out that he has a cancerous tumor in his leg. He has been going through numerous tests and will probably undergo surgery next week but there is still a lot of uncertanity. Please pray for his healing if it is in God's will. Also pray that he and his wife will have the strength and peace to get through this. I also want God to show me what to do to be a strong friend and help my friend through this. 
Saturday, December 30, 2000 8:22:41 AM   guest
      re:Sick Friend   
In the name of Jesus I ask for Your healing upon this brother's life. Lord, guide his friend to edify and encourage him too. Show to all that it IS Your will to release healing upon Your children and Your mercy endureth forever. Thank Lord, in Jesus's name, Amen 
Monday, January 01, 2001 7:28:20 PM ephlee
      re:Sick Friend   
Father God, as we look to you for our strength to help others we ask Lord for your blessing for our dear friend in need of a healing of his body. Father we know you are able to heal and remove any disease we have and we ask Lord for a touch if it be your will. We ask Lord for the friend of this person to be touched in a mighty way, show them what they need to do to be a true friend and most of all give you glory. Let thy will be done no matter what! In Jesus name, AMEN 
Sunday, December 31, 2000 6:37:39 PM bina
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