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   Prayer Requests:
        Heavy Hearts
My husband and I still seem to be having problems in our lives. We both accepted Jesus as our Savior about 5 years ago, yet we still are not very happy in our lives. We both seem to be frustrated and depressed a lot of the time. We don't read the Bible much (alone or together) or pray as we should. We just feel that there is more out there. My husband is almost convinced that life is just always going to be bad and that we should accept it. We have 4 beautiful children and I want to raise them to be happy and joyous and to love the Lord. I have asked for prayer for us before and I thank all of you who have prayed for us. I would ask that the Lord would strongly show us what we need to be doing and guide us to people to help (mentor) us. It is not good to feel so burdened so much of the time. 
Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:41:15 PM   lisa101
      re:Heavy Hearts   
The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the word of God. As we read and it becomes a part of us, when times get hard it is brought back to your memory.

Make a plan to consistently read the bible and meditate on the Word of God. This will be a strong defense against the depression and frustration the devil wants you to have.

If you want to put the devil to flight for what he is trying to do in your life, get the Word and stay there. Then use the Word of God everytime he tries to discourage you. When that thought of discouragement and depression comes no matter how strong it seems, keep speaking the Word. Your breakthrough is at hand. 
Friday, December 15, 2000 10:01:11 PM nitenrz
      re:Heavy Hearts   
Father God, I lift this couple up to you asking that you perform a miracle in their lives. Give them the desire and willingness to serve you, to put you first. Allow them to come to know the marvelous love of you your son Jesus! Give them strength to recieve a breakthrough in the Mighty Name of Jesus!! Lord, I thank you for the miracle you will perform in the lives of this couple in the name of Jesus Amen!! "But, seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." [Matthew 6:33
Thursday, December 14, 2000 4:54:16 PM guest
      re:Heavy Hearts   
Lisa, parenting is one of the toughest jobs around, but it does get better and the rewards are great. When you have four little kids, time together is hard to find, but make every second count. Your husband is wrong. It will get better. You are right to be positive. Stay positive, pray and read your bible as much as possible and get as much fellowship as you can from other christians at church.

Lord, I bring Lisa and her husband and children to you, and pray Father, that you would pour Your Spirit out upon this young family. Thank you for Lisa's love and desire to raise her children up for you and for both her husband and her's committment to you. Lord, raising children is tough, so Father, give to this young couple a double portion of your anointing, faith and wisdom. Touch them with your love afresh today. Supply their needs Lord, and give them quality time as a family and as a husband and wife and time alone with you. I pray in Jesus Name. Amen. 
Wednesday, December 13, 2000 8:35:05 PM christiandeb
      re:Heavy Hearts   
Father God,
Let Your peace which transcend all understanding guards this family's hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. I release peace, joy excitement and love into their lives in Jesus's name. Give them creative ideas Father. Lord Jesus show them the light rhythm of Grace as they walk with You. Take away their weariness Lord. Jesus, in Your name I pray. Amen 
Wednesday, December 13, 2000 7:58:21 AM ephlee
      re:Heavy Hearts   
dear Lord, I pray for this family who are facing alot of the same issues my wife and I face. I know what it is like to need mentor's to guide you in your relationship with God. I'm so thankful Lord for the friends we have made at our church. I pray this family finds other couples and families in their church to help guide them along and to encourage them. Ease their burdens and show them the peace and happiness that only YOU can give. In Jesus Name, Amen. 
Tuesday, December 12, 2000 11:07:09 PM davway71
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