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  Prayer Requests:
        Pray for My Runaway Son!
Hello Prayer Warriors,
I am requesting prayer for my son who is 15, He is suffering with some emotional hurt and pain due to a nasty divorce. He has not spoken with his father in 9months and I know my son is hurting.
He has acted out rebelliously. I have prayed and fasted, I have
tried so hard to give him the love that he is missing, Nothing is working. This morning he was feeling angry, he began to call me names, and for the first time he became physically violent. My son is a good boy, he is well like at school by his teachers and peers. I have trusted God in this matter, this has been going on
for 6 months. The Devil is trying to destroy my child, but I continually plead the Blood of Jesus! This morning he ran away, He says I would not be able to find. I called his school, and he did not attend. Please pray for my sons protection, and that God will touch his heart and send him home. I am seeking counseling for him. I must continue to trust in God, even though this is the most devasting thing that could happen to me. I want my family back together, Please Pray for Us! God Bless You!! 
Monday, December 11, 2000 10:26:32 AM   guest
      re:Pray for My Runaway Son!   
Hello guest,

Sometimes certain things are out of control. It is just like what happened to the prodigal son in the bible. You've got to do all you can to find your son, but meanwhile, do not be too anxious. I'm going to borrow one of the prayer warrior's words (jaregala), just trust and obey.

Father in heaven,
I lift up this guest and I ask that as she cast this care upon you, You will take care of her son.

In Jesus' Name, Amen. 
Monday, December 11, 2000 10:46:50 AM waihun

changed on Monday, December 11, 2000 5:29:04 PM

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