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   Prayer Requests:
        Prayer for Annette
Earlier on this year, This lady had a baby named jack who was born at 26 weeks, he survived for ten weeks before dying of complications. She is pregnant again is at 22 weeks gestation, and is starting to have all the same symptoms again of having a premy at 24 weeks. Please pray that she will go full term as it will only take a miracle for it to occur. Wazza 
Tuesday, November 28, 2000 9:30:27 PM   warwick
      re:Prayer for Annette   
Father God, I come to you bodly before the throne of grace. Father it is you who gives life, I am asking that you send you your gift of life to this precious mother in the mighty name of Jesus. Restore unto her a healing virtue to her womb. Heal her body so that she will carry her beautiful newborn the entire 9months. Bless her to have a successful pregnancy in the name of jesus. I thank you father for the miracle you have bestowed upon this dear mother in jesus name amen!! 
Thursday, December 07, 2000 10:10:26 PM guest
      re:Prayer for Annette   
Lord, I bring Annette to you and pray Father God that she would have a healthy full term baby. Lord, I pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit you would hold this baby in this mum's womb and all would be well. Take fear from her life. I pray your peace over her and her husband, In Jesus Name. Amen 
Thursday, November 30, 2000 12:45:10 AM christiandeb
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