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   Prayer Requests:
        Prayer for Guest overweight, fatigued and suicidal
Hey people, haven't you seen the numerous requests from this person for prayer. let's pray for him/her. I know that you have things going on in your lives that you need prayer on too. But don't you know that this is when God will answer your prayers, when you can put yourself aside and thing about what someone else is going through. I know you don't know this person, but don't you know that God does and though you can't see this person or physically touch them, that on the day of judgement when you have to stand before Our Father and account for the way you lived your life, that He is going to remind us about the person who took his/her life and reached out to us over the internet for prayer and comfort and we did nothing to help this person. I am sick in my body, can't half walk, in pain, have lost my husband and sister and have another sister in the hospital, plus there is a mess in my church, but I still feel compeled by the Holy Spirit to pray for this person. God's greatest commandment is "That we love Him with all our hearts, our minds and soul" and the next greatest is that "We love one another as we do ourselves". Let's send some words of encouragement to this person. God bless you all and may your prayers also be answered 
Friday, November 10, 2000 2:41:06 PM   pirlee
      Prayer update: 
Monday, November 20, 2000 9:02:05 AM admin
      re:Prayer for Guest overweight, fatigued and suicidal   
Oh heavenly father we thank you so much for spared life. We thank you for the rights to choose.
In the book of Genesis you have provided the perfect diets for us and in the book of Exodus you have provided a day of rest for us. The choice is ours but the power is of God.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.
Christ's power is the source of spiritual health.
So now God we ask that you take control of our lives.
In Jesus name we pray.
Monday, November 20, 2000 8:51:16 AM toya
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