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   Prayer Email archive:
        (01/19/2000) Praise and thanksgiving
hello prayer partners,

1. Prayer Update
wazza (1111) has posted his prayer request for his
sister-in-law Linda for healing for legs after surgery
went wrong. Please pray for her, pray for a miracle to
happen in her life and for her to glorify God for this

2. Prayer watch
Let us lift up Gail continually during the day as she
is having her back operation on the 20th. I think this
type of operation is very sensitive and we need to
uphold her in prayer. Pray against everything that
could go wrong in the surgery. Let the surgery be a

3. Special Request
Pray for sandy, she has been praying for many of us.
she has been having problems with her lungs and has
been coughing. It seems to be very persistent. Pray
for all these problems to cease. She has to be fit to
be encouraging Keith.

Prayer note:
Our prayer list has just increased. No. of prayer
partners now is 14.

--Come before Him with---
[1 Thessalonians 5:16-18]
16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will
of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

[Psalms 95:2]
2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving,
and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms

When we pray, we need to come before Him with praise.
When we praise Him, we are acknowledging His
sovereignty and we will look at everything at the
right perspective. When we end our prayer, end it with
thanksgiving. Thank God for hearing our prayers, thank
God for answering our prayers, Thank Him for being our

[Mark 21:22]
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,
believing, ye shall receive. 
Wednesday, February 16, 2000 4:37:50 AM   waihun

changed on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 4:39:13 AM

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