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   Prayer Email archive:
        (08/01/2001) greener over there?
Hello prayer warriors,

1. Prayer note: greener over there?

[Psalm 73:3]
For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the
prosperity of the wicked.

We've been talking about happiness. Well, I know one
reason why many times we are unhappy. We become
unhappy when we see other people prosper. It's worse
when we see the wicked and people living in a worldly
way getting blessed and prospering left, right and
center while we ourselves seem to be struggling along
helplessly. It's just doesn't seem fair.

Guess what? The author of this psalm, had the same
problem. He was also subject to a lot of human
temptations. And one of that temptation is to compare
and to belittle ourselves. When we belittle ourselves,
in actual fact, we are belittling God. We are actually
doubting God and His plans for us. We are telling
Him, "Sorry Lord,I prefer to believe the circumstances
rather than believe in You."

Well, you know what happened to the psalmist at the end of
this psalm? He said this:

[Psalm 73:22]
So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast
before thee.

He repented. I've said before that repentance begins
by changing your mind. Well, the psalmist changed his

He realised that he was so foolish and IGNORANT, it
was like he was as a beast before God. An animal,
that's what he called himself. Do you know why he used
such harsh words about himself? Because he realised
that he was being ungrateful and he was becoming an
unbeliever in the God that he believed in. When we
believe in God, we have to go all out and believe. He
will not fail us or forsake us. The psalmist was foolish
because if he ignored all God has done and shown him,
and decided to fall into envy, bitterness and
jealousy, he was like an ungrateful beast who just
does not understand.

He also realised that he was ignorant. Do you know
why? Because our lives are not short term. Everything
that you possess or the other person possess is
temporal. One day you can have everything, the next
day it can be gone. If you are in the world and living
in the world and chasing after the world, you are
being very short-sighted. You will reap what you sow.
Sometimes, we just don't see that and we choose to see
the outward manifestation of someone's success and we
become short sighted. If people live without God,
their end is destruction and there is no real
security. If they don't come to the saving knowledge
of God's grace, their end is destruction. The real
security is in God and that is what we have. God is
more precious than silver and more costly than gold.

[Psalm 37:1,2]
1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be
thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
and wither as the green herb.

We cannot live other people's lives, only our own. We
cannot live in their dreams but only in our own. Your
life is your own. Don't spend your time thinking about
other people's lives, start living your own. So, stop
thinking that the grass is greener on the other side
because the only grass that matters is on your side.

2. New prayer requests:
i. broken home -- guest

ii. prayers urgently needed -- massive

iii. Show Me The Way -- kennethp

iv. Please pray for a wandering friend -- mandib

3. Prayer update:
i. Praise the Lord!!! -- littleone

ii. PRAISE the LORD! & Continue praying for me --

iii. Update on mom's chemo treatment -- debra

4. Number of prayer warriors: 887
We welcome angel eyes, pirate80, musicman, braziii,
susieq, knowledge, regi, encourager91, bizzy, cwilli,
vickilynn, queenie, bms161, mandib, pennstt1330 and
rosebudsanddaisi into our prayer group.

We just joined topica and many duplicate and invalid
emails have been removed.
1 have unsubscribed and 19 emails have become invalid.

in Christ,
Wai Hun 
Wednesday, August 01, 2001 7:30:31 AM   waihun

changed on Saturday, August 18, 2001 6:42:07 AM

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