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   Prayer Email archive:
        (06/16/2001) not with the wind
Hello prayer warriors,

1. Prayer note: not with the wind

[Ecclesiastes 11:4]
He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that
regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

How many times are we affected by our emotions or by
circumstances in deciding whether we do anything with
our lives or our work or with our relationships?

I have been talking about the following verse in the
recent emails: [Genesis 8:22]
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and
cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and
night shall not cease.

There are certain things that remain unchanged ... and
that is cold and heat, summer and winter, day and
night, seedtime and harvest. We are subject to summer
and winter and the changes in the seasons whether we
like it or not, day and night whether we feel like it
or not, cold and heat irregardless of our
circumstances. What we have learnt is to adapt to the
cold, to the night, etc.

There are certain things that are not as predictable.
We don't know when the wind will come and when the
clouds will come. The wind and the clouds come and go.
But the clouds and the wind do not determine our
harvest in life. If we watch the wind we shall not sow
and if we regard the clouds we will not reap. If we
regard the circumstances or our emotions, we will not
reap. We only reap when we sow.

That is the same principle that we should apply in our
relationships. You should still continue to sow your
best seed in your marriage irregardless of whether
your spouse treated you right today, irregardless of
emotions or circumstances. Because you only reap the
harvest when you sow.

I have been a culprit of my emotions many times.
Sometimes I forget that this principle of sowing and
reaping is at work all the time. I do sales and many
times I don't feel like calling and following up on my
prospects. God has been teaching me discipline. I need
to sow into my business in order to reap a financial
harvest for my business. I have to remember that I
have been called to be a king and this is part of my
kingly ministry. I have to be a good steward of what
God has given me IN SPITE of myself. I have to learn
and apply the principles that God has given me in my
life. I have to chase after the prize that Christ has
set before me.

We are to be led by the Spirit of God and not be ruled
by our emotions or circumstance. That is why we cannot
watch the wind, but put our trust in God. God recently
reminded me that He is the Lord of the harvest. When
you sow in spite of the wind, you know that God will
bring you the harvest in due season. Our faith is not
with the wind, but with the Lord of the harvest.

2. New prayer requests:
i. Desperate unemployment crisis -- guest

ii. I need Peace, guidance & more faith. I need a
closer walk with God. -- nefertiti

iii. Trust!! -- guest


v. Remaining in the hands of the Almighty! -- guest

vi. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!! -- luvmygod9

vii. my mother -- debra

viii. my family -- guest

3. Number of prayer warriors: 849
We welcome browned, dizzyladie, devoted, clifton,
doggey11, bart, zipporah, rcfunnybone, zap,
rsparky777, hoosier, cmcphers, julia_tham and
brittanyvirani into our prayer group.

5 emails have become invalid.

in Christ,
Wai Hun 
Saturday, June 16, 2001 8:40:56 AM   waihun
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