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   Verse Questions:
        Genesis 4:15
Question: I would like to know what kind of mark Cain was "labeled" with. Was it like the mark of the beast on his forehead, or maybe a certain skin color? I think that would be interesting. 
Thursday, June 14, 2001 4:21:22 PM   rustonbridges
      re:Genesis 4:15   
This was a very particular circumstance. It was a mark, visible, and knwon to the whole world. (Since there were only a few people then, and passed on this knowledge of his mark to all generations.) Such that whenever anyone saw it, knew of the judgment of God upon Cain, and of the curse to be pronounced upon anyone who would think to kill him. There is no relationship to this and the mark of the beast. 
Saturday, June 23, 2001 5:40:03 PM addvantage
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