Romans 1:16   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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guest PUBLIC  Friday, January 24, 2003 4:56:42 PM  
because i am not ashamed of my lord
morrie PUBLIC  Tuesday, December 17, 2002 2:16:33 PM  
It shows us the power of God is at work in the world to save all who believe, and we dont need to be ashamed to witness to the world.
punky_brewster PUBLIC  Wednesday, October 18, 2000 5:29:40 PM  
uhh...I dunno...It helps remind me that if Paul was strong enough, under all of the persecution of that time to admit a strong love of the bible, then, I should be too.
waihun PUBLIC  Sunday, May 14, 2000 6:51:23 AM  
power in the gospel
There is power in the gospel itself, when we share the gospel with others. We may not think that we are great orators, or we may not be very experienced in persuading others, but God does not need to depend on our human ability as orators to bring someone to salvation. There is power in the gospel itself to save for everyone who is willing to believe it. All we need to do is share the gospel and let God do the rest.