Matthew 7:11   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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waihun PUBLIC  Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:47:26 AM  
I know how as a mother I want to give my children the best gifts, how would my Father in Heaven want to withhold the best from me if He has already given me Jesus? All I need to do it ask.
monkey PUBLIC  Monday, July 21, 2003 7:41:46 AM  
This verse makes me want to go and scream it to the world. I, being evil, can give some AWESOME gifts, and yet, I always seem to lack enough faith to ask the Lord for what I want. But, he can go so much more than I can.
More than I can even dream!! It is just so exciting!
woodchuck PUBLIC  Wednesday, August 23, 2000 3:05:36 PM  
This verse really excites me because I realize that God knows the full extent of my sin and wickedness, has known from the beginning of time, and STILL loves me, and STILL wants to give me awesome gifts and blessings regardless of myself. He STILL wants for me to call Him "Dad". Praise God for His love. He is the very tops!!!!!
ameugenio PUBLIC  Monday, August 14, 2000 7:35:00 PM  
This is another wonderful assurance fromn God our Father. All we have do is ASK.