Joshua 1:9   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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waihun PUBLIC  Thursday, October 14, 2021 8:24:17 AM  
Three times He said, be strong and of a good courage. Be courageous because He is with me wherever I go.
waihun PUBLIC  Wednesday, December 08, 2010 1:24:02 AM  
This is a commandment! Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid neither be dismayed because He is with me wherever I go.
guiding light PUBLIC  Friday, April 09, 2004 3:01:19 AM  
It is not an option for me to lose heart or to be afraid...which are the essential elements of definite defeat in a battlefield. I am reminded that I am serving under the invincible Commander, I am ALWAYS on the winning side. What tremendous comforting and strengthening thought! God is Commanding here and I am to obey.

changed on Friday, April 09, 2004 3:04:45 AM

waihun PUBLIC  Tuesday, January 23, 2001 10:01:37 AM  
Not only not be afraid, I am not to be dismayed, to be disappointed, to lose heart. Why? God has told me the reason why ... because He has promised me and He has told me that He is with me everywhere I go. Which means that I am never alone and never away from God. He is with me. What is there for me to be afraid of when I have the Lord my God with me everywhere I go?