John 16:33   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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guest PUBLIC  Tuesday, September 24, 2002 12:29:36 AM  
This is my all time favorite verse! What a blessing it is to my heart! I have overcome much in my life and likewise still have so much more to conquer, but praise God He has the power to overcome it all! If He can overcome the world He can surely overcome my trials! Thank you Lord!
guest PUBLIC  Monday, June 12, 2000 9:58:46 PM  
It speaks volumes to me. Jesus didn't say that since He came, everything would be fine, but that this world would bring us trouble. And even though He knew the kind of death He was soon to experience, He told His disciples to "be of good cheer"! I'm pretty sure no one else could do that! And the fact that He has overcome the world--that means everything this world can throw in your path, Jesus has overcome, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! What a blessing! I could go on and on, but I thank our blessed Lord for this verse. It's my life verse.
waihun PUBLIC  Wednesday, January 26, 2000 7:47:40 AM  
Jesus has overcome. He can say this because He has personally gone through so much. He knows what rejection is, He knows what betrayal is, He knows what fear is, He knows what anger is, He even knows what humiliation is when He hung naked and bruised on the cross for my sins.

He has suffered all so that I may become an overcomer through Him. He has overcome so that I will overcome. Let me never despise what He has done and be defeated by circumstances, but be an overcomer in Him. Because I know that He has overcome the world for me.

changed on Wednesday, January 26, 2000 7:48:47 AM