Jeremiah 29:11   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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methomas PUBLIC  Monday, September 01, 2003 11:52:37 PM  
I never related Jeremiah 29:11 with 12 and 13 until now... to get through my depression... I need to search for God with all of my heart... I hope He gives me the strength...
angeleyez PUBLIC  Monday, July 08, 2002 10:03:55 PM  
It's a reminder that everything that happens in my life is according to God's great plan for me.
vonnie PUBLIC  Friday, March 23, 2001 7:33:57 AM  

gods thoughts towards us.. are so love drenched and saturated with raving beauty. he has plans of peace for our lives.. with that said all we have to do is trust in him - everything that is done is ultimately done for a good reason.. so when you have hardships in your life realize.. gods using that hardship to help you grow in faith.. he puts hardships there so you can call on his name. god has a purpose to prosper us. to give us an expected end. how beautiful is that.. i simply cain't fathom gods thoughts to us.. how precious we are in his eyes. amen.

changed on Friday, March 23, 2001 7:38:38 AM

jeanila PUBLIC  Friday, December 29, 2000 7:52:37 AM  
It tells about what God's wonderful plan is for His people
greg ledbetter PUBLIC  Tuesday, June 06, 2000 9:42:36 PM  
He knows what happens to us better than we even could ever think. His desire for us is a peaceful life.
ej4vna PUBLIC  Tuesday, March 28, 2000 10:44:36 PM  
This verse gives me comfort in the midst of uncertainties and peace in times of turmoil. I can feel rested in the shelter of the Almighty by the simple confession of this scripture. To know that the by faith we will prosper and through Christ it is already done, leaves me speechless of the love and mercy our heavenly father bestows upon his chosen. Thank you Lord for your awesome provision!
angelbear PUBLIC  Tuesday, January 11, 2000 1:38:11 PM  
there is so much hope. My future is completely in God's hands. He is making the plans for my life in a perfect way to bring prosperity and not harm. WOW!