Hebrews 12:1   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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cp_senger PUBLIC  Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:30:57 PM  
this is telling us that the "great cloud of witnesses" are the people of faith that have been persucuted in chapter eleven (i see chapter 11 as the hall of fame chapter) any way this verse expresses to us that we need to take our sin and throw it from us, not just to toss it to the side b/c if you do that then it will creep back onto you, it's saying launch it from your sight and thougths, and never look back upon it- then walk away happy and joyful and have faith like a runner who is looking towards the finish line.
cp_senger PUBLIC  Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:30:35 PM  
this is telling us that the "great cloud of witnesses" are the people of faith that have been persucuted in chapter eleven (i see chapter 11 as the hall of fame chapter) any way this verse expresses to us that we need to take our sin and throw it from us, not just to toss it to the side b/c if you do that then it will creep back onto you, it's saying launch it from your sight and thougths, and never look back upon it- then walk away happy and joyful and have faith like a runner who is looking towards the finish line.