Colossians 2:8   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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waihun PUBLIC  Wednesday, September 13, 2023 5:54:51 AM  
Whatever wisdom the world provides, Christ trumps then all. I am complete in Him. Whatever I lack, He completes me. Including in wisdom. Thank you Jesus.
guest PUBLIC  Thursday, July 26, 2001 3:14:58 AM  
Very often we forget about the place and the time that the Bible was written. I do not say that to mean that we forget that it was 2000 years ago but we forget that peoples attitudes then and now are very similar. This verse is written from an inteligent man who devoted his life work to God. Beofre we go any further it is important to note that Paul is not writing to a church that he was responsible for starting himself. He had heard about it but as well as this he had heard tht some of the people that had become Christians had come from a Jewish background and were, in a lot of cases, being successful in dragging down the believers into a legalism to "earn" their salvation. This is what Paul is speaking out against and in a similar way we msut do that still. I will never forget the time I wasat a church council meeting and I suggested, to allow the church to grow, making the church look more welcoming by taking out the pews and putting in single seats which could be removed when the building was being used for other things. The reply came from oe gentleman who is respected and listeed to at this church. That reply was "over my dead body!" What had happened was the tradition of the pews and the building itslelf had taken over his object of worship. There are storieslike this all over this country (England) and others and we should be speaking out against this kind of attitude. I am not for one minute saying that tradition is a bad thing! We are putting the bulding and the objcts before God and Christ. Focusing on them and coming to the point where we can no longer worship without them. This is why this verse is just as important now as it was almost 2000 years ago.