1 Chronicles 4:10   Add to favorites    Add to topic

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waihun PUBLIC  Sunday, July 23, 2023 8:45:52 AM  
This is a beautifully crafted prayer that has the myriad of elements that I want in my life:
1. That God would bless me
2. Enlarge my boundaries
3. That His hand is with me
4. That He would keep me from evil so that I would not have grief.

The most inspiring element is that And God granted His request!
believe in jesus PUBLIC  Sunday, November 18, 2001 7:19:35 PM  
I like 1 Chron 4:10 because it gives me hope that all will be well with my earthly life as well as my soul.
guest PUBLIC  Monday, April 09, 2001 6:16:33 PM  
[ Answers: 1 ] I am trying to help a friend who is very troubled by the NKJ version of this verse. He says regarding that NKJ is the only version that states "that I may not cause pain", while every other Bible he has checked so far (17) states this along the lines of "that it may not grieve me". He is troubled by the difference. Can you help?
brother PUBLIC  Tuesday, January 02, 2001 10:17:44 AM  
Bruce Wilkinson wrote a little book "The prayer of Jabez" which touched my life today. I am beginning to pray this prayer for my life. I hope I share with you too that this verse and this book is worthy of study and prayer in your life too.
God is love and He loves you too.