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  Personal Pages or Ministries that have linked to us 
http://pages.sbcglobal.net/tx.adairs/heather/ - Heather's Haven
http://profiles.yahoo.com/christy_7575 -Christy's Page
http://www.csenews.com/ - Christian Search eNewsletter
http://www.overflowingministries.org/ - Overflowing Ministries, reaching the world for Jesus
http://www.alongsideministries.com/devotionals.cfm - empowering our faith beyond our cancer
http://www.miraclemm.net/ - Miracle Making Ministries
http://www.hellotospirituality.org -The division of spiritual formation
http://www.knightsmission.com/ Steph Knight's home page
http://www.geocities.com/erevival/ - E-Church Online
http://www.westohioumc.org/ - West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church
http://www.geocities.com/lizeard376/ -Chris Swift's home page
http://www.biblicalquestions.com/ - Biblical Questions
http://members.jenzabar.com/Banks_Jeff/home.htm - Jeff Banks' home page
http://www.angelfire.com/realm/of_the_alphas/ - Alpha
http://members.home.net/kmennenga/KristiLynn.htm - Kristi Lynn Mennenga
http://www.geocities.com/d_shingleton/ Celebrate Life
http://alittlesoutherncomfort.homestead.com/ A little Southern Comfort
- Lems Ministries
- rangerd923's personal home page
- Prayer Chain Online
- Shadowless man
- DeLaughter's Home Page*
- Tony Spica's Start Page
- Wendy Lambert's Personal Page
- Learning English through Bible stories
- Devron Publishing
- Paul Ashok Gorde
- Princess' Profile
- Katherine's Home Page
- Christ in a Girl
- Bruce Gray's Site
- Home pages of Debbie Puckett*
- The Hunter's family website*
- The Bible Study Room
- Free Will Offering*
- Michie's page - We were chosen as Michie's site featured in March 2000*
  - Nikki was one of the first persons to link to us.

* Our Find Bible Phrase features are also available here
  Spiritual Food / Bible Studies 
http://members.tripod.com/free384/index.html John Chopores bible study links
http://www.geocities.com/light98362/intro.htm Quiet Place Bible Study Tools
http://netinn.homestead.com/bibaids.html The Hiding Place bible study aids
http://www.warriorsofchrist.com/ Warriors of Christ
http://bibledesk.com Over 1700 pages of Bible answers, commentaries, doctrine, news, prophecy, statistics, studies, sermons, tracts ...
http://www.sermoncentral.com/ Sermons on different books of the Bible
http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/pauline_studies Studies of various aspects of the life, teachings, and writings of the apostle Paul.
http://www.vbstudy.mainpage.net Virtual bible study. Just launched with links to bible study sites.
Lots of messages. Also available in multiple languages.
Bible studies on different books of the bible. An excellent resource!
Search from 200 publications by youth pastors
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. There is an audio message every week.
Acts 7-11. I've found good bible studies here
This is where I get my spiritual food: the Sunday messages from my church in text and in audio.
  Christian bands and Music Sites linked to us 
http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/TRUsoldiers/ Truth's End
http://greatworks.net/sharonmit.org/index.htm Sharon Mitchell gospel music
http://www.trowpunx.com/ Trow Punx, a Christian punk band
http://www.realwebdesign.biz/realmusic/ Real Music
http://christianmusicx.com Christian Music (with links to Independent Christian Artists)
http://www.christiansbyfaith.com/home_001.htm Christians By Faith
http://www.lindablack1us.addr.com/bnr/index.htm Jordan River Band
  Church Ministries that has us in their links 
http://www.antiochhampton.org/ Antioch Baptist Church in Hampton, Virginia
http://www.wsbc.us/ Windham Summit Bible School
http://www.emmanuelchristian.com/ Emmanuel Christian Church, Pennsylvania
http://www.archboldmethodist.org/ Archbold United Methodist Church, Ohio
http://fccanchorage.org/welcome.htm First Christian Church, Anchorage
http://www.rossroadcc.ca/index.html Ross Road Community Church, Canada
http://www.fluvannabaptist.org/ Fluvanna Baptist Church*
http://communitychurchcinti.com/ The Community Church of Cincinatti
http://www.andaria.com/ccumc/ Cass City United Methodist Church
http://www.miracle-of-christ.org/ Miracle of Christ Ministry
http://nonprofits.accesscomm.ca/shekinah/ Shekinah Christian Fellowship
http://www.lakeshorebaptist.org/ LakeShore Baptist Church, Pasadena US
http://www.eternallight.org/ Eternal Light Church of the Apostolic Faith
http://calvary-bible.org/ Calvary Bible Church
http://www2.nortexinfo.net/firstumc/index.htm First United Methodist Church of Gainesville in Texas
http://www.gbgm-umc.org/bonnersferry/ Bonners Ferry United Methodist Church
http://www.stjohnsgc.org/Indexl.htm St. John's Lutheran Church in Ohio*
http://gbbc.exis.net/ The Great Bridge Baptist Church in Virginia
http://www.geocities.com/jahjahwarrior20/DiscipleshipMinistries.html The Eagle's Nest (Youth Ministry)
http://www.geocities.com/abidingsavioryouth/ Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
http://www.hlce.org.my Holy Light Church (English) Johore Bahru, Johore, Malaysia
http://www.smyrnachristianchurch.org/ Smyrna Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia
http://www.toholycross.org/ Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Colorado Springs, Colorado)*
http://www.nt-bc.com/ New Testament Baptist Church
http://fccstonemountain.org/ First Christian Church of Stone Mountain
http://beachumyf.homestead.com/Home~ns4.html Beach United Methodist Youth Fellowship
http://www.lovecf.org/ Love Christian Fellowship in Alaska
http://www.ccmc.org.sg/antioch/ Covenant Community Methodist Church in Singapore
http://www.thepraisetemple.org/ Praise Temple Ministries
http://www.f-ccc.com/ Florence Carlton Community Church
http://www.wesleybloom.org/ Wesley United Methodist Church*
http://community-2.webtv.net/deweyld/CovenantCommunity/ Covenant Community Church of Today
http://mtpisgahchurch.org/index.htm Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church
http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/paintbrush/1287/index.htm El Mesias United Methodist Church
http://www.newlife-christian.org/ New Life Christian Church
  Christian Web Directories 
http://www.churchontheweb.com/ Church on the Web
http://www.nichenets03.tzo.net/OneVoiceMinistry/library/ One Voice Ministries Library
http://www.mychristianweb.com/ - MyChristian Web Guide
http://www.wogim.org/ - Word of God International Ministries
http://www.crossguide.com/ - Cross Guide
http://tuoitrehyvong.com/ - Vietnamese Christian links
http://christianparadise.com/ Christian Paradise
http://www.psalm121.ca/ - I lift my eyes Ministries
http://www.geocities.com/psmanzer/index.html - Manzer Ministries Online
http://www.neto.com/martinfa/top.htm - Sunday School Resources
http://www.christiansearch.ca/ - Christian Search Community
http://www.soapopera.com/ - Abundant Bible .. A mega-site of Bible, Christian & religious information & studies
http://www.jesusfolk.com/ - Jesus Folk Christian Start Page and Online Community
http://christianfan.com/ - ChristianFan
http://www.actschristian.com/a/ - Christian Web Search
http://rskchristianmusic.com/ - RSK Christian Music
http://crosssource.com - CrossSource
http://www.jesus-connect.net/world/ - Jesus Connect
http://www.church2000.org/ Church 2000 - The Christian Information Source
http://www.gocin.com Christian Interactive Online Network
http://www.microcomsolutions.com/ftwaynechristians/ Fort Wayne Christians Online
www.ncubator.com/links/pages/index.html Ncubator Christian Resource Directories
www.his-net.com HIS-NET
www.awesome.crossdaily.com/vote.php3?sid=10431 Cross Daily
www.christianlinks.com Christian Links
www.crosssearch.com Cross Search
  Devotional Sites 
http://www.jesuscaresaboutyou.org/ Daily devotions
http://www.christians-dotcom.com/ Daily devotions from C.H. Spurgeon
http://www.dailydevo.com/ Free short and interesting e-mail daily devotions
http://www.myzoe.org/ Daily email devotions
http://godtoday.com/ Daily Word email devotionals
http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/lastquark/daily.html A verse a day (showing different bible versions)
  Other Resources 
- Online dictionary list
- Online dictionaries for FREE.
  Christian Merchandise 
My Christian Depot
http://www.covenantarts.com Covenant Arts Personalized Holy Bibles in both English and Spanish. Perfect gifts for weddings, christenings, first communions, born again celebrations, anniversaries, and also make great family heirlooms.
http://www.kshaderdesigns.com/bible/index.htm Bible Verses in Calligraphy and Watercolors by Karen Shader Designs
  Universities linking to us 
http://www.utm.edu/ University of Tennessee at Martin
  Fun Sites 
www.members.tripod.com/~blondesun/feelgood.html Try this for fun
http://www.bible.org/docs/pastor/bits/toc.htm Bits and Pieces
http://www.jenstrength.com Jennifer's inspirational page*
http://www.gospelcom.net/rev-fun/rf.php3 Cartoons on bible verses
http://www.christiangames.zzn.com Christian games
http://www.smilegodlovesyou.org Smile, God loves you
http://www.kpraise100.com/ Kpraise 100 the Gospel Praise Network (internet radio station)
  Interesting News 
- May 10, 2001 In Singapore, even God meets opposition
- Imagine ... there is a web site promoting God in Singapore by a group of 150 churches
  Nutrition and Health 
- Center for Science in the Public Interest
- Alternative and Complementary medicine directory
  Bible Study Approach 
http://home.att.net/~swannerjc/ Bible Study Plans
http://mydevotion.com/logos/bplan.asp Try using our bible reading plan
http://www.gospelway.com/courses Free online bible study courses
http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mbible-bible_study-society/ Bomis Bible Study Ring
  Other ministries that have linked to us 
- Wet Feet Ministry
- Christian Links, Graphics & Web-Pages
- Morning Star
- Gateway Riders Motorcyle Club
  New to Christianity? 
http://www.somebodycares4u.com/somebody_cares.htm This is a good introduction to Christ.
  Bible Quiz 
www.gospelcom.net/bttb/challenge/ Take the bible challenge and find out how much you know about the bible
www.carm.org/doctrine/test.htm Try out their doctrine test
http://www.gospelway.com/bibltest.htm Test of basic bible knowledge
  Christian Issues 
http://www.christian-faith.com/ - Issues on Christian faith
  Book Stores 
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/mydevotioncom Amazon.Com
(If you buy from Amazon through this link, we get referral fees.
Help sponsor this site by buying your books through us.)

http://www.blessings.com/ Christian Book Store
  Bible Maps 
http://ancientsandals.com/ Journey through maps of the bible
  Power Evangelism 
http://whomeonline.cjb.net/ Who? Me? A free course for training others for effective evangelism
  Easter Specials - animations 
http://www.gieson.com/john316/ The cruxificion
http://www.gieson.com/Library/multimedia/risen/source.html The resurrection

Viewing these pages requires Macromedia's Shockwave and Flash plug-in. If you don't already have shockwave, click below for free download:
  Bible History 
www.biblehistory.net Was there historical evidence besides the Christian records on Jesus?



Here are some of our favorite Christian Links

Links do not suggest that we endorse all the contents of the linked sites. Please use your own discretion and judgement.





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