Spiritual Food / Bible Studies | | http://members.tripod.com/free384/index.html John Chopores bible study links
http://www.geocities.com/light98362/intro.htm Quiet Place Bible Study Tools
http://netinn.homestead.com/bibaids.html The Hiding Place bible study aids
http://www.warriorsofchrist.com/ Warriors of Christ
http://bibledesk.com Over 1700 pages of Bible answers, commentaries, doctrine, news, prophecy, statistics, studies, sermons, tracts ...
http://www.sermoncentral.com/ Sermons on different books of the Bible
http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/pauline_studies Studies of various aspects of the life, teachings, and writings of the apostle Paul.
http://www.vbstudy.mainpage.net Virtual bible study. Just launched with links to bible study sites.
Lots of messages. Also available in multiple languages.
Bible studies on different books of the bible. An excellent resource!
Search from 200 publications by youth pastors
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. There is an audio message every week.
Acts 7-11. I've found good bible studies here
This is where I get my spiritual food: the Sunday messages from my church in text and in audio. | | | | Church Ministries that has us in their links | | http://www.antiochhampton.org/ Antioch Baptist Church in Hampton, Virginia
http://www.wsbc.us/ Windham Summit Bible School
http://www.emmanuelchristian.com/ Emmanuel Christian Church, Pennsylvania
http://www.archboldmethodist.org/ Archbold United Methodist Church, Ohio
http://fccanchorage.org/welcome.htm First Christian Church, Anchorage
http://www.rossroadcc.ca/index.html Ross Road Community Church, Canada
http://www.fluvannabaptist.org/ Fluvanna Baptist Church*
http://communitychurchcinti.com/ The Community Church of Cincinatti
http://www.andaria.com/ccumc/ Cass City United Methodist Church
http://www.miracle-of-christ.org/ Miracle of Christ Ministry
http://nonprofits.accesscomm.ca/shekinah/ Shekinah Christian Fellowship
http://www.lakeshorebaptist.org/ LakeShore Baptist Church, Pasadena US
http://www.eternallight.org/ Eternal Light Church of the Apostolic Faith
http://calvary-bible.org/ Calvary Bible Church
http://www2.nortexinfo.net/firstumc/index.htm First United Methodist Church of Gainesville in Texas
http://www.gbgm-umc.org/bonnersferry/ Bonners Ferry United Methodist Church
http://www.stjohnsgc.org/Indexl.htm St. John's Lutheran Church in Ohio*
http://gbbc.exis.net/ The Great Bridge Baptist Church in Virginia
http://www.geocities.com/jahjahwarrior20/DiscipleshipMinistries.html The Eagle's Nest (Youth Ministry)
http://www.geocities.com/abidingsavioryouth/ Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
http://www.hlce.org.my Holy Light Church (English) Johore Bahru, Johore, Malaysia
http://www.smyrnachristianchurch.org/ Smyrna Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia
http://www.toholycross.org/ Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Colorado Springs, Colorado)*
http://www.nt-bc.com/ New Testament Baptist Church
http://fccstonemountain.org/ First Christian Church of Stone Mountain
http://beachumyf.homestead.com/Home~ns4.html Beach United Methodist Youth Fellowship
http://www.lovecf.org/ Love Christian Fellowship in Alaska
http://www.ccmc.org.sg/antioch/ Covenant Community Methodist Church in Singapore
http://www.thepraisetemple.org/ Praise Temple Ministries
http://www.f-ccc.com/ Florence Carlton Community Church
http://www.wesleybloom.org/ Wesley United Methodist Church*
http://community-2.webtv.net/deweyld/CovenantCommunity/ Covenant Community Church of Today
http://mtpisgahchurch.org/index.htm Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church
http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/paintbrush/1287/index.htm El Mesias United Methodist Church
http://www.newlife-christian.org/ New Life Christian Church | | | | Bible History | | www.biblehistory.net Was there historical evidence besides the Christian records on Jesus? | | | |
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